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liked by selsrose, jelena, and 239 others

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liked by selsrose, jelena, and 239 others

gomezbieberr: everyone's freaking out about this whole harlena thing 🙄 selena is a well known model. she is getting job offers left and right. whoever she chooses to work with is okay. it's her choice. everyone being extra and taking this whole situation out of hand is ridiculous. harry has a new music video coming out. selena is obviously going to be in it. that's it. this is no personal relationship, it's just a work one. selena has justin, and justin is loyal to selena, so calm down. #jelenaisSTILLreal✌🏼

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mariebieber: preach 🙌🏼 it's strictly a work relationship, not a personal one.

harryscurls: yall really act like yall actually know whats going on in their lives 😂

jelena: jelena is still going strong!

gomezbieberr: @harryscurls blocked. I don't have time for you styles fans 😒

drewsel: i think some of you fail to realize how good of an opportunity this is for her. it's her first major music video with such a big and well known artist. this could open up so many other opportunities for her, like another vogue shoot, and yall are more worried about who shes dating. 😒

selmarie: @gomezbieberr you're mad because she told the truth? you're acting like whatever you said is a fact. it's not. selena could very well be in a personal relationship with harry, we just don't know about it.

harlenawillrise: @jelena is that why they haven't been spotted together and they no longer interact with each other on social media 🤔

jelena: @harlenawillrise they don't have to be public about anything if they don't want to. it's their private life. now go on and create an account about something thats actually real.

selstyles: i'm happy tbh. both are my favs and both would be perfect for one another 🌸

9 hours ago

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