justin + selena

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<23    sel 🌹💍   i


heey how was
tonights show?

alright i guess. same thing
as every other show and
meet and greet

u used to love
touring 😕 what

i still love it. it's just tiring.

like they don't even care for
what i have to say. they just
come to take a picture and
say they met me rather than
actually getting to talk to me
ya know?

i feel like a zoo animal rather
than a human being and it

aww babe ☹️

i'm sure you'll
get back into
the groove of things.
you've already taken
so many days off

yeah maybe. how have
you been holding up?


i'm actually flying out
to japan next week.

japan? for what?

for a harry styles concert

you're flying all the way
out to japan for some

well yeah....
i mean he offered to fly
me out since i couldn't
go to his show in LA

you talk to this guy?
since when?

i don't talk to him. he
was just being nice and
sent me a message after
my instagram post about
my surgery

you going alone?

yeah. i wasn't going
to ask him to pay for
someone else when
he's already paying for me

take nina i'll pay for her
ticket and hotel


what? i don't feel its
safe for you to travel alone

i've traveled alone
before justin.

not to japan! you don't even
know a single word in japanese

so. i can learn. plus i'm
not going to be completely

no of course not. you're going
to be with some guy you
don't even know who felt
the need to fly you out all
the way across the world to do
god knows what

it's harry styles, i'm pretty
sure you've met him before!

yeah in front of a million
cameras where he can't be
creepy or weird

i'll be fine jay, i'll text you
tomorrow i need to get to bed

goodnight 🤗



selena marie

answer your phone

selena marie gomez
answer your phone

fine. i'll talk to you




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