❤️ dating carl would include:

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dating carl would include:

- him being really protective of you alllll the time

- him going down on you ALL. THE. TIME.

- being really close with all the gallaghers

- debbie being skeptical of you at first bc she wants what's best for carl, but realizing that you're good for him

- fiona spotting carl money every now and then so he can take you on dates

- carl talking to lip over the phone about you for hours collectively while lip's at college

- lip being excited to come home and finally meet you

- frank saying weird things to you and carl always getting you away from him immediately

- watching liam whenever the family is busy

- being one of the first people who carl actually opens up to

- him being able to tell you things he won't tell anyone else

- making fun of him lovingly when you see his braided hair

- the weirdest nicknames

- for example; shitface, dickhead, asswipe

- him being upset when he doesn't have money to buy you things or take you places

- you occasionally buying him and his family things when they need them

- they'd always feel awful and insist that you don't spend money on them, but they deserved it for being so welcoming towards you

- ian telling you how he thinks you're good for carl

- feeling like you can be yourself around him

- bringing carl to your house when you two need time away from all the stuff that goes on at the gallaghers'

- getting in heated arguments bc you're both opinionated

- ending each of them making out

- let's be real... it wouldn't stop at kissing

OOOOOOOoooooo that got kinda spicy ;) i hate myself im so frucking lame doods
anywho i love me some carl ;) wink wonk wink

(from tumblr lol like i said im too lazy)

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