Ch. 2

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This is the second chapter I hope you all enjoy!

much love xoxo


"Mom, I'm home!" I shouted, closing the front door and running up to my room. I got a suspicious letter in the mailbox today, no name at all.

I got my letter opener and sliced the top off pulling out a small black sheet of paper, it read:

You're invited to: Luke's 16th turn up

Time: 8PM-3AM

Location: 328 Clement Road

Be there or be square ;)

I had to call up Vanessa.


I was laying on my bed when I heard my phone ring "you are my cinema, I could watch you forev..."

"Hello?" I said picking up my phone, it was anonymous number.

"OHMIGOD OHMIGOD OHMIGOD, have you checked you're mailbox yet?!?!?!" I could tell it was Vanessa right away.

"First off, no, I haven't I wanted to watch Awkward, and second, why are you calling me from an anonymous number?"

"Oh, sorry haha. I was prank calling some people, but you need to check your mailbox Vanessa Rose Carlson right away. I refuse to talk to you until you go to you're mailbox."

"okay okay, one second" I put my phone on mute and ran downstairs and out the door to my mailbox. I started throwing all the bills and junk mail on the ground I was getting so anxious. Then I saw it, it was a letter from an unknown person but I'm guessing this is what Cynthia was talking about. I ripped it open, not even caring that it didn't look pretty and then I read it.

I raced back up the stairs screaming my heart pumping while I picked up the phone, "WE JUST GOT INVITED TO PROBABLY THE BIGGEST PARTY OF THE YEAR!!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!!" I paused so that way I could catch my breath.

"Do you understand how awesome this is? We need to go dress shopping tomorrow..unless its casual then we can go casual too, we can get some cute booty shorts and tank tops that show off our boobs, oh wait we need makeup too, we should go to sephora or maybe we can just do each other's makeup cause it might look more natural and then we can do each other's hair and we gotta do something that says I'm not too horny but still really hot, but then agai-..."

"VANESSA!" Cynthia shouted cutting me off, "What?" I replied totally unaware of what I was doing.

"Stop rambling haha, listen, so many people probably got invited to this, we just need to act calm and casual and act like we go to big house parties like this all the time, okay?"

"okay." I said with a huge grin on my face, I couldn't wait.


Sorry guys this was a filler but I just wanted to write tonight haha k bye,

much love xoxo

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