Grade 7 Intramurals

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Chapter 7- Grade 7 Intramurals

Crissa's POV

During our Intramurals in Grade 7, the exact date was November 16, 2012. When it was time to go home, I looked for Dylan at the front of the HS, but I did not see him. I just talked to some of my friends that were nearby.

After chitchatting with them, I told them that I will check the carpark to know if my service is already there. I looked from my right and there I saw Dylan talking with his friends. He was also staring at me (okay I got caught staring at him again). I just stared away immediately because of that.

When I was in the carpark, my service is still not there that's why I went back. I talked to my friends again. When I looked at where Dylan was they were standing now from their sit, then he looked at my way (of course, I just went back talking to my friends). After a minute or two, I looked at him again but he was gone.... *poof poof*...... like he just magically disappeared.

When I looked at my right side... OMG! they went there! Dylan and his friends were just sitting at our opposite side. Well after some time I told my friends that I'm now going to my service because it's already there. We said our goodbyes. Did I actually mention to you that when I will go to my service I will pass at him??? *wink wink, doing the happy dance*

When I went pass him I just feel/my girls instinct is saying that he is staring at me (well me because of being curious) I stared back at him and my girls instinct was right because he was staring at me. I looked away immediately because I think it has been now a habit that we stare at each others eyes, it's really awkward for meh. o_O

When I was already in my service, I brought up the topic Dylan and you know them, they were like

Ayiieeee! all of them (Gino, Destiny and Nina) said in chorus

Crissa is really happy, ecstatic because of that. Gino told me

So how was the feeling??? Nina asked with a matching wide grin on her face

Well talk about awkward, but you know like Gino said I was ecstatic because we kind of actually interact. I said in a shy manner

Crissa have you told them your encounter with Dylan before you went home because of being sick??? Destiny asked me

Oh right! Nope I haven't. Can you please do the honors, Destiny??? I said with my matching smile that can reach Mt. Everest

Sure! Why not. Destiny replied

So Destiny told them the whole story, but also you know I also told them some of the parts that Destiny left out. Their reaction that was just the same as I talked about what happened between Dylan and I just awhile ago. They just really love teasing me. Good thing because I also know their special person in their heart (except for Destiny because she's not into crushes for now, crush is just really not in her vocabulary right now).

So far, so good.... okay, after that long conversation and their teasing about me with Dylan, I just fell asleep because my energy just went out. I need to recharge :)

If only you know how
much those little moments
with you mattered to me.

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