Me and my friends talking about random things and THE CODENAME FOR DYLAN

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Chapter 3- Me and my friends talking about random things and THE CODENAME FOR DYLAN

Crissa's POV

So the next day, there were really a lot of things to do in school. Ugh! there's just homework here, homework there, homework everywhere!!!

Eventhough there are a lot of things in school of course, there are still happy moments. It was actually lunch and were talking about school work, and then.........

Hey Crissa, so who was that boy that you were talking about yesterday in the service??? Gino asked me suddenly

Oh he's name was Dylan. I replied to him

What's his surname??? he asked me with what curious look in his face

His surname is Farr. I replied again

Oh he was from my school,  but we've never been classmates. he told me

I was like, wooaahh there! Yea another scenario just went in my mind

Uhmm so what do you know about Dylan??? I asked him

He's kind, always in the star section and from what I observed he's quiet. You know he's really friendly too. Wait a minute why are you asking me those questions??? Heheheehe! You like him don't you??? he just asked me that out of the blue

NO WAY! OF COURSE NOT!!! with my matching tensed voice

Really Crissa??? he teased me

Yes, I'm perfectly sure about that. I replied back fast

So Crissa... what is it you like for a boy??? he asked me










Yes Crissa we're actually curious about that. What is it really that you like for a boy??? C'mon tell us. just also out of the blue Rika, Kara and Johny just joined the conversation

Well because all of you are so "curious" about this then I have no choice but to tell it to all of you. I told them






Oh go on Crissa! We're waiting here. Tick tock! they all said in chorus


1) I like boys who are a gentleman

2) He's also somewhat smart

3) He's taller than me

4) Who can sing... It's ok if he's not that really good at it

5) Has chinky eyes

6) And this one is my favorite part, he's like my dad :)

I just think the 4 of them weren't blinking

0.0 0.0

0.0 0.0

Friends to earth, hello! so they went back to earth now

Ooh Crissa all of the things that you said were somewhat interesting. Johny told me

We don't like to have crushes, we'll stay forever no inspiration ( they actually means no crush) Rika and Kara replied

They're just really like that, but from what I know they like a teenage artist ( I forgot the name)

So Gino what do you like about girls??? I bet the only thing you want is Peach, the girl of your dreams. Hehehehe!!! I started pointing Peach

Gino, you're blushing! ehmeged! we all said together

After 1,000,000 million hours, school is finish!! Hehe! Time to go to the service.

When I went in the service Destiny just popped out of nowhere and then......

Hey Crissa, so have you seen Dylan again??? Destiny asked me

No, haven't seen him. I replied

Crissa is it true that you like this boy, Dylan??? Nina asked me ( she's one of my friends in the service)

I AM REALLY CONFUSED FOR THE MOMENT!!! I replied back to her

Well if you need some advice, I'm just right over here. She said

Oh Crissa by the way if ever you have a crush or confused for the moment scenario with a person you always give them codenames??? Destiny asked

Let me see, maybe DOG would be the perfect one. I replied

But there's also a back up codename, right??? If ever out of nowhere he would find out that he's what we call DOG. Destiny suggested again

Yea! you're right! Maybe DOMO KUN would just fit right. I suggested

Wow! Codenames in the air. Nina suddenly said

We all laughed about that.

So it's settled then DOG is the codename, and the backup codename is DOMO KUN. Destiny said

Okay so I've updated this story. Pls. vote and put some comments of what you think about this chapter. I'm so sorry if I did not update this for a long time, just really busy. I hope you enjoy this chapter. :)

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