The "NEW" Drama

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Waking up this morning made me feel different. For one thing down south felt a little tender, that was when flashes of last night went into my mind. I had given myself to Brendan after he had told me he loves me.

I may not be in love with him just yet but he said he'd never leave me and I've wanted to do this for a while now. Flinging my left arm across the other side of the bed I began to feel for Brendan, only to feel cold bed sheets.

My eyes shot open instantly as the panic settled in. His side of the bed was cold, which meant he had been gone for a while. Maybe he had just gotten up and was downstairs. 'Seriously Kat, your too naïve.' My inner voice screamed at me.

Maybe he left me a note? My eyes quickly began to search around, looking on my desk and the pillow Brendan had slept on but there was nothing. Disappointment fell over me as the tears filled up into my eyes.

He had left me, even though he promised he wouldn't.

I would never forget the day my heart got broken for the first time. Brendan Walker was many things but one thing nobody could ever deny that he was, was defiantly a smooth talker and charmer.

He charmed girls into his bed all the time, virgins to be precise. Girls gave into him foolishly thinking they were special, I had been one of those girls. I learned my mistake the hard way.

"Brendan!" I called out, "Hey!" I grabbed his arm and spun him around to face me. "Why were you walking away, didn't you hear me calling you?"

"It's over Katherine."

My eyes widened "W-What?"

Brendan looked at me with no expression "Look we had a nice thing going but it's over now. I need somebody new, you can respect that right?"

I glared at him "How dare you!? You have the nerve to take my virginity, leave me the next day to wake up alone and then break up with me!"

"Sad but true." He faked a yawn "Oh an another thing, don't go off crying about regretting sleeping with me because you and I both know you could have stopped it anytime."

"You said you love me!" I screamed.

"For sex you say anything." Brendan shrugged "Goodbye Katherine."

Looking back on the memory and looking at the same guy standing in front of me, it made me want to slam the door right in his face. He had the nerve to do all of those things to me, then tell me he never wanted to see me again.

Yet here he was standing before me.

Brendan had something planned, he wouldn't just come back for nothing, he wanted something.

Well Brendan you play your cards and I'll play mine. Oh and I swear this time I'll win.

~This is the prologue, this is always short in each book so don't think i got lazy. (even though i kinda did) Anyways i hope this made you guys interested. The cover i have right now will be changed, i haven't made the good cover yet so this is it for now. COMMENT AND VOTE!~

The "NEW" DramaWhere stories live. Discover now