Chapter 4: Bumba Johnny

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Chapter 4: Bumba Johnny

"I want you to draw an action. It could be how to smile or how to dance, literally anything that involves movement." Mr. Lopez explained to the class. "Now that you all have your sketch books out I want you to answer my questions as best as you can with the action you have chosen."

I picked up my pencil and waited for Mr. L to continue the lesson. I could feel eyes on me and when I looked up it didn't surprise me when I caught Brendan smirking at me. I sent him a glare and focused my attention on Mr. L.

"Alright, answer this. What colour is it?" What colour was my action? How the hell would I answer that? I had chosen how to swim because swimming was something I enjoyed doing but it's like what colour is swimming? How do you answer that? "I knew this seems strange but you are all artists. You really have to dig deep in and answer these."

I sighed deeply before I jotted down blue. It wasn't just because the water appeared to be blue because of the sky, it was just because blue was the colour that had this very calming feeling, it also had this dark tension in it too, which explained swimming because it could either calm you down or make you feel uneasy because you might not be good at swimming.

"Alright next question, what feeling does it give you?" That was a no brainer, swimming made me feel calm.

"Psst Katherine." Ignore him Katherine, just focus on the questions Mr. L is asking you. "Katherine!" Ignore that stupid jerk.

"What direction does it go in? You can only choose one." What the hell? What direction? Swimming literally went in every direction because of the different motions you do with your arms and legs. I guess down would be the best direction since your pushing your body forward and down farther away from the shore or pool ledge. Jotting down the direction down, my head was down as I wrote and that was around the same time a little ball of paper hit my head.

Looking up at Brendan with an irritated look, he simply made the motion for me to open the note. Was he completely crazy? Mr. L was one of my favorite teachers and I was one of his favorite students but if I was caught reading a note in class he would go ballistic on me. When Mr. L is pissed it's not a pretty sight.

I simply ignored his request and continued to listen to Mr. L. "Alright class, now that I have asked the questions I want you to use these answers to make a sculpture using the clay. You are going to create the action with your clay. Make sure to use the brown mats at the back because the clay sticks to the desk and is very hard to get out when it hardens."

Mr. L then left to go get the clay for us. Brendan was looking at me with a smirk. "Are you going to open the note now?"

Rolling my eyes I opened up the note. 'You're looking hot today Katherine, I can only imagine what you're wearing underneath. -B' Crumpling up the note I glared at Brendan before I stood up and threw the note into the garbage can.

"Oh come on, it was a compliment." Brendan smiled as I sat back down.

"No it was you being a pervert." I looked at the two other girls sitting at our table with curious expressions on their faces. Their attention was solely focused on Brendan and I, I used that to my advantage. "Learn a lesson ladies, Brendan Walker is not someone you want to be with. He'll stomp on your heart and spit on it before leaving without glancing back, take it from someone who knows."

The two girls looked absolutely horrified. They shared this knowing look with each other before picking up their things and moving seats quickly leaving Brendan and I alone at our table. "Nicely done." Brendan said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes "I was doing them a favor, they were both eyeing you up."

"Jealous are we Katherine?" He asked leaning forward.

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