Chapter 1

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It was seven am in the morning and it was last day of school. Finally I'm not going to see this hell again ever. I didn't tell Denis yet aka my boyfriend but I'm going to England to follow my dreams. I know he is going to be mad at me so bad but I have to that's my last chance. I already told my mom about this and she said "Go and follow your dreams" I don't know where am I going to stay but I know that I can figure this out. I'm going to England at 14th of November which means, I have 6 days left. I was eating my breakfast when I got a text from Denis

Denis: Good morning babe, last day of school how do you feel?
Sarah: Happy I guess I don't know
Denis: Cool! Can't wait to see my beautiful girlfriend gtg Ben is coming
Sarah: Ok see you at school

When I came to school I saw Denis. He quickly noticed me and came next to me "What's up love?" "Fine" he quickly noticed something, god this boy knows me so well. I cannot hide it anymore and words spilled out " Denis we need to talk it's important" he nodded "What's wrong?" "Not right now, when the school finishes let's go to beach and talk there" he nodded. First lesson was math and I hate math (and I hate Mr. Way too) Becky, my bestfriend, came with her boyfriend Andy. Andy is the lead singer of a band called "Black Veil Brides". And Denis is the lead singer of a band called "Asking Alexandria". "Hey girl" Becky said, exciting in her voice "Hey, Becky can we talk?" she nodded "But alone" "Okay girls I am going actually CC just texted me bye love" and then he gave a kiss to Becky. "What do you want to talk about?" Becky said "I don't know where to start but you already knew that I want to be an actress. To become an actress I have to go to uni and I found a great uni in England" I couldn't hold my tears "What do you mean?"  "Becky I am moving to England" she shocked "Omg that's great news Sarah go and follow your dreams but what about Denis?" "I am going to break up with him" " What! Are you serious? You guys have been dating for like years" Becky said. "I have to..."

Author's Note
Hello it's my first fan fic so please don't judge me and I know it's short. But I promise next chapter is going to be long love you guys xo
- Sarah

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