Chapter 11

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It's been 2 weeks since we kissed...
And there was no calls or text messages at all. I tried to call him once but he didn't answer.
I knew it that he didn't like me it was just a small kiss. He is probably doing this with every girl.
"So what do you up to?" Evie said.
"Umm bad"
"It's been 2 weeks since I last see him" I said to Evie.
"Why you are not going to his house to check him maybe something is wrong with him"
I nodded actually I liked that idea.
"Thanks you always come up with perfect ideas love you"
"Love you too, you better get ready"

I went to my room to get ready and I applied some makeup. I wore my mom jeans and a "Guns and roses" shirt.

I went to my car and when I was going to drive my phone rang. I answered.
"Hello mom"
"Hey Sara how's things going? Are you going to be in a movie or tv series?
I laughed.
"Slow down mom I am in the beginning but hopefully one day I will"
"I hope too. I have to go bye love you"
"Love you too mom"

I parked my car and went to his house. I knocked the door for like 5th time but still no answer. I realised the door was open somehow and I entered the house. When I entered the house the awful smell of cigarette and alcohol came. The smell was unbearable. I saw Oliver laying on the floor, I ran to him make sure that he's alive.

"Hey Oliver it's me Sara are you okay" he muttered.
"I, I... am fine I just need a drink"
"What no way as I see you already drank 6 bottles and so many cigarettes. What's going on with you lately I'm worried?"
"Nothing" he said angrily.
"Wow calm down are you sure?" I said.
"I'm sorry. He is so strong."
"I don't think so I'm scared Sara" he said and began to snort ketamine.
"Hey stop that snorting or drinking won't change anything. Oliver be strong I know that you're strong. Even though if you don't love me I don't care because I love you. There you go I said it."
I said and he moved closer to me. He kissed me and we kinda make out.

"I love you too I didn't called you or texted you because there was so many things going on." Oliver said. I can't believed it he loves me.
"Now get up we have to clean this mess up and promise me you will never snort again"

I woke up at in Oliver's bed. But Oliver wasn't in bed. So I went to kitchen to look at him. He was preparing breakfast.
"Good morning" Oliver said.
"Wow you changed a lot in a day"


Hey everyone today i remembered this accounts password so im back. But im not going to continue to this story because its really cringy and i wrote this when i was 13 when my english was really bad. I just want to say thank u all for your support see u next time byeeee. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2020 ⏰

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