Edward Cullen Emmet Cullen and Jacob Black and a little Paul Lahote

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By: lovingpiperboys


Summary: Jacob Black hated mating season but with the help of Edward and Emmett Cullen he might have a new outlook on this special time of year. Story begins as Jacob/Emmett but will end with Emmett/Jacob/Edward. Slash Warning for sexual content and language.

Work Text:

A/N: THIS IS HARDCORE SEX BETWEEN THREE MEN PEOPLE! If you don't like it or if you are underage then please, DO NOT read it. Any flamers will recieve a very unfriendly e-mail from me because you failed to read this warning!


The musky scent of sex and lust hung heavy in the air, drawing me in, my cock stiffening in anticipation for the third time today, knowing that it was supposed to be put to use during this time. I groan as I come to a point deep in the woods, stopping to lean against a large oak tree, my current state of arousal making it difficult for me to move.

This shit was becoming increasingly ridiculous.

I hated mating season. It was the worst time of the year for a wolf who happens to be part human. I've sprung more wood in the past two days than I ever had in my entire life and if this continues I was going to have a really bad case of corporal tunnel syndrome from jerking off every hour on the hour. I shake my head in disgust, surprised that my dick hadn't fallen off yet from the constant pulling and tugging.

A twinge of jealousy washes over me as I realize that it's the perfect time of year for those who had mates. Getting it on whenever, wherever has got to be one of the sexiest thrills you can have when you've got a willing and able lover. Sadly, I wasn't one of the lucky few who had the privilege of fucking like rabbits these past few days. Being single right now was only making things worse for me, as if listening to the screams of the men and women on the reservation wasn't punishment enough.

I really wish that I had a boyfriend right now. It would make this whole damn thing a lot easier and not to mention, more enjoyable.

Yep, you heard right, Jacob Black loves the guys. At first I thought that I was in love with Bella Swan but she was just a cock tease who used me when her sparkly leech boyfriend decided to pull a disappearing act. I was upset when she chose him over me, or at least I was at first. Later on I realized that females came with way too much drama for me so I was perfectly fine hanging out with the boys. It made my life a lot less complicated since we were, after all, animals and didn't care about things such as homosexuality. As long as you weren't a complete loser and had no mate at all (like me), no one really gave a shit about what or who you did.

I take a deep breath and instantly regret it. I just took in a whole shit load of sex and now there was a growing problem that I was going to have to deal with once again.

Great, just great.

I take a look around to make sure that I was alone. I didn't need to get caught, ending up becoming prey to the pheromones in the air and being rapped by one of my pack brothers.


I shake my head and try not to imagine getting gang banged by my brothers. Don't get me wrong, I would love to be Paul or Sam's bottom bitch any day of the week but that was so not going to happen. Besides I didn't need the others showing up and taking part in my fantasy fuck. I mean could you imagine Quil, Embry or Seth nailing me? Wouldn't happen. They would be my bottoms and I would break those poor little kids in half.

I laugh out loud for a second before breaking from my thoughts and turning my attention back to the matter at hand. I pull my shorts down to my ankles and wrap a hand around my hardness, my fingers barely able to grasp it fully.

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