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(Chapter by KylieH_taco)
(Stacy's POV)
I got on mincraft and hoped on to the Avenue.
I spawned in a town looking place.
"Hello Stacy!" Graser yelled as his mincraft character was running to me
"Hi Graser" I say
"Start inro" Graser Said
"Ok" I say
"Hi guys welcome to a new series! Called the Avenue" I say
"Today Graser is showing me around" I say
Graser showed me the cinema and just showed me everything. He also showed me everyone's houses which was kinda fun.
"Page and Molly love you go rescue a dog" I say turning off my camera
"How do you like it?" Graser asked me
"It's a nice place also who is on the server?" I ask
"Dylan (8bitDylan),Delphron, Megan (Strawburry17), Shelby (Shubble), Hbomb94, Will (Kiingtong), Hayimbee, Sigils, Cory (NewScapePro), And me" Graser said

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