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Ask 10

By BillyTCB

"Who do they shipped with?"

A.K. : I ship Matt and Natalie!

Nick : Same.

Chara : Agreed.

Lance : I ship that and Chara and Nick!

Nick : Not a surprise. We're good for eachother.

Chara : W-what? We're not good together!

Nick : Then, why do you always say you missed me when I come back to the hut to see you?

Chara : That's o-only because... Uhh...

Nick : Aww, you do missed me when I'm not with you~

Chara : *Blushes* Uhh! Why do I always lose to you?

Onie : This is why I shipped it so much!

Nick & Chara : *Blushes* Heheh. I guess that's why we like eachother.

Nina : Same like Onie and Lance. I shipped Nick and Chara too.

Matt : Uhm, I just got here. What's the ask?

A.K. : Who do you shipped with?

Matt : Hmm...

Natalie : *Jumps out of nowhere* I ship Lance and Anna!

Matt : WhatThe! *Gulps* almost said it.

Natalie : Good thing you didn't 'cause if you did, I have to slap your face.

Lance : Uhm, I'm not sure if I heard that right? But did you say you shipped me with Anna?

Anna : What the hell, Nat!? Me and Lance barely even talked!

Lance : That's actually quite accurate.

Nick : You're talking right now.

Anna & Lance : You. Shut up.

Matt : I agree with Natalie. You guys should really talk with eachother alot more.

Anna : My nature is wood or the forest. His, is lava, fire the total weakness of wood.

A.K. : Yup, this relationship is 'going down in flames'

Chara : *Cringes* The puns.

Onie : Nice one.

Lance : Alright, I'm done. You guys wanna ship me with Anna than so be it. It's not going to sail.

Anna : Yeah! What he said!

A.K. : Okay, okay, okay. Hmm, alright so, that's the ships. Some are sailed, some haven't sailed. (Hopefully it doesn't ends up like the Titanic.) Anyways!

Lance : Smash that Vote button and Comment your ask/dare!

A.K. : That's all for now, stay alive my fellow humans.

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