Ten (Christmas)

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(Chris's POV)

The twins were napping, Reilly was baking with Mandy and I was holding a shaking Freya, she tapped feverishly on my arm. I held her tight. "Stop tapping baby girl." I said. She shook her head.

"I can't." She said, getting up from the couch, tapping the wall. I counted how many times she tapped.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. Beat. Repeat. "Freya please, stop tapping." I was begging now.

"Chris, I can't. I can't let her die."

"Who? You can't let who die?"

"Kyler. I can't let her die."

"Why would tapping stop it?"

"It'll stop it from being my fault." My breath caught. She was scared people would die and that it would be her fault. I held her closer to me. I kissed her head and rocked her back and forth, not wanting to let her go. I couldn't let her go when this fear was in her head.

We just sat there until Mandy said "Cookies are done! We can eat them now!" I lifted Freya onto my hip like a child and held her tightly to me. She just snuggled into my shoulder, arms around my neck as if she really were a small child. I smiled and let her.


"Alright kiddos, bedtime. If you want Santa to come, you have to go to sleep."

"Who's Santa?" Freya asked.

"He's a fat guy in a red suit that comes down the chimney to give us presents!" Reilly yelled, running to his bedroom. "NIGHT!"

"Well, Freya, do you need me again tonight?" Mandy asked. Freya nodded and both Mandy and I tucked her in. I kissed her forehead, lightly kissed Mandy's cheek and went to bed. I was tired and I wanted the kids to fall asleep fast so I could put out the presents and go to sleep.


"Freya, time to wake up baby girl." I said, lifting her up, carrying her to the living room. "And don't worry. We didn't forget about you. You have gifts today too."

"You didn't need to."

"Yes, we did. You're my daughter. I'm your father. I am going to get you the things that you need. You deserve so much sweet thing." I kissed her head in a fatherly manner. She snuggled into me, sighing softly. I smiled down at her and rubbed her back lightly, wanting to hold her there forever. "I love you Frey. You deserve the world."

"Thank you Chris."

Freya opened her stocking hesitantly, clearly not used to getting gifts. I took videos of her opening things. I had gotten something for her I knew she wouldn't believe. She opened it to reveal an adoption certificate. "So, do you, Freya Chandler, want to become Freya Jackson-Gonzalez?" Mandy asked, holding a pen in her hand. Freya nodded, signing her name and looking at us.

"You're my parents now? You're my parents now! For real and forever! This is amazing!" Freya jumped off my lap and launched into Mandy's arms, hugging her tight. "Thank you!"

***Author's Note***

word count: 500

I have to admit that sometimes, I can't stand being around my sister. But other times, I want to sit next to her, listen to the #Fearless Album and tell her how amazing she is. I love her being her sister and I wouldn't change it for the world. So Shan, I love you one million basketball games. You are the best green haired 15 (almost 16) year old. No matter what the bullies say, you're the best. Just know that I'm here to stick up for you. I can't wait to see how far you can go.

If you have any advice for my sister who has special needs and is bullied, please do. She's a huge fan of Hamilton and I'm getting her into In The Heights because I can...She likes to sing, she likes to play basketball and board games. She's an amazing person and I'm glad to call her my sister.

Be fearless!

The Author (Ryeli)

Best Left Forgotten: Chris Jackson X Mandy GonzalezWhere stories live. Discover now