Chapter One

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I believe that I should start out with an apology.. Updates will be shit most likely because I don't have internet. I will write at night when I cannot sleep and post all that I have written when I get internet. Who knows, maybe I'll write all of this in one night.



My heart was beating out of my chest. We were being sneaky again. She kept putting her hand on my thigh and teasing me all lunch period. I was getting so worked up. She didn't know what I was going to do, and I could practically feel the anticipation. I bit my lip and grinned.

There was a bathroom in a hallway nobody bothered going down. Right when she thought I was going to let her be free, I yanked her into the bathroom and pushed her against the walls. She whimpered in delight.

"So," I said, letting my newly red dyed hair fall in my face, "you think you can get away with that, hmm, kitten?"

She whimpered and bit her lip. I could basically feel her need for me. I chuckled. "W-what are you gonna d-do?"

I said nothing, but instead I kissed her cheek lightly. She gasped and I watched as her mouth moved, begging for more. I hadn't even started yet. I crashed my lips onto hers and she moaned in my mouth. Oh, how I love it when she moans. I slipped my tongue in and let them dance together.

I stepped back.

"Kitten, you will not touch yourself until tonight when I see you. Got it?"

Her porcelain cheeks were flushed red. I could feel myself getting a little flustered, but I pushed away the feeling. I was in control here.

She nodded. "O-okay."

I smiled and walked over to her. I stuck my hand down her pants and ran my finger along her clit. She was dripping. She moaned and I shushed her.

"No touching. That's my job."

I left her in the bathroom, quivering.


I walked behind the school, lighting up a cigarette. Well, it wasn't a cigarette. It just looked like a cigarette.
I was getting so much better at rolling these.

The smoke filled my lungs and I practically moaned at the feeling I got. My head was swimming so nicely, and I felt miles away from my body. Everything was so beautiful and melodic.

Of course weed was legal here, but I wasn't about to let them catch me. I was still underage, and this wasn't for medicinal use. Also, I was on school property. I wouldn't be arrested by any means. Just suspended. And I didn't want that.

My whole body felt light as I walked back into the school building, the bell had recently rang, so I had been able to get back in without a problem.

My next class was English. I didn't hate it, but I didn't love it either. The only joy I had was that Kitten was in this class.

Well, that was my nickname for her, anyway. Her real name was Kate. Short for nothing. We had been friends for a while and I remember her eyes when she looked at me the first time we met a few years back. She literally looked like a kitten, her eyes went so wide. I absolutely adored it. Her frame wasn't petit, but she wasn't fat by any means. She was perfect. Her teeth were just the right amount of crooked, her dimples so deep I could pull out a few fish and maybe my innocence - I chuckled at that - and her eyes were like pools and pools of stars. I could see galaxies in them. Although brown eyes were not my color, she definitely had a way about her.

Were we dating? No. Did I like her? You could say that.

I sat down next to Kitten and she gave me a pleading look. "Please.. "

I grinned and looked over at her. "No, Kitten. I told you no."

"B-but -"

"I'll make it a week if you don't stop asking." Fear rose up in her eyes. I patted her thigh lightly and whispered, "that's my good kitten."

Class was fine for a while. Except I couldn't stop grinning. The high was getting more intense. The way the teacher's old wrinkly neck jiggled. She looked like a chicken. I giggled a tad and I whispered to Kitten between my light giggles, "her neck looks like a fucking chicken."

She looked me straight in the eyes, and I looked at the bridge of her nose instead. I don't like looking anyone in the eyes. "Dude, oh my god," she whispered. "Are you high? You smell dank. "

I chuckled and nodded. "Shh, don't tell. "

Everything was slow. I felt like I was in a pool of water and I loved it. I attempted to focus as I pulled up a picture of a chicken and showed it to Kitten. She bit her lip and grinned. Kitten and I have the same sense of humor, so I couldn't help what I did next.

I texted a friend of mine and asked for a distraction to get her out of the room. Soon enough, Ms. Klinger was out of the room and I pulled up a chicken on her computer. Everyone had their phones out, so nobody was paying attention to me or anyone for that matter. I pressed play and set the noise volume on low, minimized the tab and grinned. She had a movie starting, so it would be perfect when she turned it up.

I sat back in my chair and soon after, Ms. Klinger came back inside. Her short hair was down today. She had in pearl earrings and a hideous necklace. She was in her late fifties and oh my god her voice sounded like a pig squealing. I hated it so much.

"Watch this," I told Kitten. She looked at me sideways.

"Okay. As I was saying -"

She turned up the volume on the computer way up. The entire room filled with chickens screeching. The room busted into hysterics. I grinned at Kitten, and she was laughing. She seemed to have a bright way about her. But, she was only my plaything for now.


After school, I walked home slowly. I never got in trouble for the chicken thing because Ms. Klinger thought it was a harmless prank, and she even got a laugh out of it herself.

I liked the rush of being dangerous. I liked the adrenaline. I liked things that made my heart pound.

So maybe that's why when I went to an empty home, I filled the place with people and alcohol.

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