Chapter One: Five Young Friends!

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[Many Years Ago]

A short long haired brunette is shown walking into a room. She wore a long outfit and carried a staff with a butterfly on it. She looks over and through her half blue and half purple eyes, her two young friends are reflected. They sat at a window sill with a chessboard between the two of them.

"Have you heard of the ancient Keyblade War?" One asks.

"Huh?" The other responds, "Of course I have."

"Long ago, Keyblade wielders waged a war over the ownership of light." The first one begins.

"Yeah, the Master's favorite story." The second replies.

"I wonder what they planned on doing with Kingdom Hearts after... making it appear." The first continues.

"Who knows? I don't get why anyone would initiate a war." The second responds.

"So... you know the 'Lost Masters'?" The first asks.

"Who?" The second asks.

"They're the ones who started the Keyblade War." The first states. The second places his hand to his chin.

"Never heard of 'em. Where'd you hear about that?" He asks.

"Or... they're the ones for whom the war started." The first states.

"I'm not following you." The second tells him.

"You can drop the facade." The first says.

"Facade?" The second asks, curiously as he plays his turn.

"On that land shall darkness prevail and light expire. A prospective Keyblade Master should know this." The first states.

"If you say so." The second replies.

"The Gazing Eye sees the fate of the World. The future - it's already written." The first explains.

"Really? I'm not so sure about that. Besides, who's to say I can't change it? And maybe light will prevail." The second challenges.

"Pretty confident. But things aren't in your favor." The first says.

"Perhaps. But unlike darkness, there is more to light than meets the eye. You might be surprised." The second replies.

"Oh, I hope so." The first states. The two continue to play.

[Many Years Later]

The second male was shown as an older gentleman. He stood speaking with the brunette who had had years on her. She stood behind two young girls, a girl with brown hair and blue eyes as well and a girl with pink hair and matching pink eyes. The two young girls head inside while the male tried to reason with the woman and the woman looks away with a sad look in her eyes.

"If it's far too dangerous then you shouldn't go. Your students need you." The man says, "Don't do this, Juniper."

"There is something going on and I am the only one capable of figuring out what it is." Juniper replies, "All that I ask is that you look after my two students. They need the protection of those who wield keyblades; you know it's so, Eraqus. Aqua and Terra have the makings to be keyblade wielders."

"You have needed protection all this time too as well or have you forgotten, Juniper?" Eraqus asks, "You are the Princess of Dreams."

"I feel my power weaning. The next Princess of Dreams has been born. She is ready to receive her powers, Eraqus. You know it is so. And when she does, Willow and Scarlet will be there to share what I've taught them with her." Juniper explains.

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