Pelik (2)

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Sugaswag114 online

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Sugaswag114 online...

Pinkyprincess775 online...

Alienforever223 online...

Chichim144 online...

Godofdestrctions998 online...

Sunshine918 online...

Bunnyshook347 online...

Sugaswag114:Good morning!!Aku belikan barang yg korang suke harini!

Alienforever223:Kau ni dah kenape... Baik semacam. Peliknye...

Sugaswag114:Ape yg pelik! Aku ok macam selalu.Anyway I want to go outside. Cya! ~

Sugaswag114 offline...

Bunnyshook347:Hyung tu dah kenape?Siap speaking lagi...Kene rasuk hantu kot masa tido...

Godofdestruction998:Ke kene sampuk dengan hantu mana2 dalam dorm...

Sunshine918:Hantu?!Mna hantu tu?! Aku takutlah!

Pinkyprincess775:Kau ni macam budak2 takut dengan hantu.

Chimchim144:Dia pon sama nk kate kat orang.

Bunnyshook347:Hey guys!! Suga tanam bunga kat luar!!

Alienforever223:Perangai pelik detected!!

Chimchim144:Guys!Jom mengintip dia.

Sunshine918:Let's go!


Pinkyprincess775:Nk join!


Alienforever223:Jom kita pergi sekarang!

Alienforever223 offline...

Pinkyprincess775 offline...

Godofdestructions998 offline...

Bunnyshook347 offline...

Chimchim144 offline...

Sunshine918 offline...
Sugaswag114:Terima kasih kerana membaca BTS chatroom ni!Vote skali!!

Author:Kat sini sape author?


Author:Dah tu?!

Sugaswag114:Oh...sorry.Author yg kene cakap part tu!

Sugaswag114:Dahlah suga nk baca buku lepastu nk tanam bunga lagi. Bye!

Author:Ade2 je bdak gula ni... Harap anda terhibur dengan chapter ini! Enjoy!

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