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Alienforever223 online...

Chimchim144 online...

Sugaswag114 online...

Godofdestructions998 online...

Pinkyprincess775 online...

Bunnyshook347 online...

Sunshine918 online...

Godofdestructions998:Okay guys...Harini citer ni akan tamat...

Pinkyprincess775:What the PINK?!Seriouslah bro?!

Godofdestructions998:Dah tu...Takkan aq nak tipu kau pulak?


Alienforever223:Ala...Kenape pulak??

Author:Sebab author takde idea nak tulis ape dalam citer ni...

Sugaswag114:Ishh...Sebab tu je?Tak SWAG la...

Chimchim144:Kau ni...Tak habis2 dengan SWAG ape benda ntah kau tu...

Sugaswag114:Diamlah kau!Dahlah PENDEK!Pastu bajet cute!

Godofdestructions998:Jangan gaduh boleh tak?!BTW...Sape nak cakap kata2 terakhir untuk semua pembaca??

Pinkyprincess775:Aq dulu...Tq kepada semua pembaca yang selalu bace citer author yg karut ni...HARAP KORANG SELALU INGAT MUKA SAYA YG HENSEM NI.SEE YOU IN ANOTHER CHAPTER!

Sugaswag114:Harap korang suke bace BTS Chatroom ni DAN...JADILAH BUDAK SWAG MACAM SAYA...PEACE...

Chimchim144:Tq kerana bace citer ni!Harap korang tak ikut perangai gula ni...(SEBAB DALAM BADAN DIA NI ADA BANYAK GULA...TU YG JADI GILA SIKIT...)ANYWAY,BYE EVERYONE!

Alienforever223:Harap korang suka citer author ni...BYE!!!

Bunnyshook347:Harap reader suka dengan peragai kami ni DAN SELALU SHOOK~BYE!

Sunshine918:Tq kepada semua reader yg baca dan vote citer ni skali DAN ALWAYS BEING SUNSHINE...BYE!

Godofdestructions998:Kepada semua reader...TQ sebab baca citer BTS Chatroom PT.1 ni...Kemungkinan akan ada BTS Chatroom PT.2...Tpi teruskan baca citer author yg lain2 jugak tau~ITU SAHAJA DARI KAMI SEMUA...BYE!!

Pinkyprincess775 offline...

Sugaswag114 offline...

Chimchim144 offline...

Alienforever223 offline...

Bunnyshook347 offline...

Sunshine918 offline...

Godofdestructions998 offline...


Author:Nampaknya sampai sini sahaja citer BTS Chatroom! ni...Akan ada BTS Chatroom! Pt.2 nanti...Harap bersabar yg nak bace citer yg kedua...BYE GUYS!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2018 ⏰

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