Chapter Five

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"I'm not looking for the perfect girl, but for the right one…..and she doesn’t have to be perfect."

-Kardinal Tafarie-


Sheena's POV

I walked out of the elevator with a strange smile on my face. I frowned as I stared at my door, still not opening it. I didn't know why I was smiling like this.


Was it because of Mr. Smith?

I admit he was such a good guy. Very charming. His smile was everything. Every time his mouth twitched up, my own did. I couldn't help but smile or even laugh along with him.

The dinner went well. We got to know each other. I thought we were becoming friends. But he was my employer. He was the CEO of the company I was working at. There was no harm in becoming friends with your boss, right?

Somehow, it made me slowly forget my heartache. Slowly. It made want to move on with everything.

At dinner, when Aiden asked me what was the matter when he saw me crying at the tower, I hesitated on telling him. I wanted to share my story with someone but I was holding myself back at the same time. I was not yet ready because the wounds were still fresh.

Maybe if I would be completely healed, Aiden would get a chance to know more about me. I would get a chance to let this out to him. I would get a chance to take this off of my chest. I would have the chance to be light and free again.

Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I finally opened the door to my apartment and strode in. I directly walked upstairs to my bedroom to change and get ready to sleep.

When I was already on the bed, I just stared up at the ceiling. My eyes weren't that tired. They refused to close because my mind was so occupied.

I thought of my family, my best friend Christina, my work, my friends Engel and Girly, my boss, but mostly of James.

James, where are you?

I hope you are safe and doing fine.

Despite everything, I still cared for my ex fiancee. I loved James. We had been through so much together. Laughter and tears, joy and pain, boredom and adventures... almost everything.

I knew I was just hurting myself while thinking of the memories we made together. Something wet trailed down my cheek and that was when I realized I was crying again. I didn't know if I would ever get tired of this. I was getting used to it.

Wiping my tears with the back of my hand, I laid on my side and closed my eyes.

I will be okay.


I walked down the hallway to my office. Dressed in peach chiffon button down, black pencil skirt, and white cardigan, I thought I looked simple. I just put on cheek and lip tint. I didn't want to look like a corpse because of my pale complexion.

Clutching the leather sling of my bag, I continued walking to my office. I knew I was early again because I hadn't seen any of my co-employees yet.

I sighed as I stopped at my office door. I fished out my keys from my bag. As I did, a man's voice suddenly whispered behind me, making me drop the key chain accidentally.


I hurriedly picked it up and turned around only to let out a sigh once more.

"You startled me."

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