Chapter Six

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"If somebody is gracious enough to give me a second chance, I won't need a third."

- Pete Rose



"How old are you by the way?" I couldn't help but ask Aiden.

We were still in his office, almost done with our lunch.

"Are you interested in me?" He had that annoying smirk on his face that I wanted to wipe out badly.

I scowled at him. "Couldn't it be just because I wanted to know?"

He laughed. "Right. You're interested." I didn't argue anymore. "I'm twenty- three."

"You look older than that." I joked.

"Ouch. I even think I'm still 20."

I scoffed. "I didn't know you're that arrogant."

"No, just kidding. But seriously, I'm turning twenty- four."

"Oh, when?"

"This coming May."

I nodded my slowly. It was March already. I guessed I needed to prepare for a gift.

We were now done with our food and were cleaning up our mess.

"It's already five minutes before one strikes." I laughed. "I didn't notice the time."

"It flies fast whenever I'm with you."


He shook his head, smiling at me. "Nothing."

I shook my head. He could be blunt sometimes, huh.

"I think I need to go back to my office now."

"I'll walk you there."

"No, thanks. I'll be fine."

"I know, but I want to."

"No, seriously. Stay here. I don't want my colleagues to think that something is going on between us."

"Who cares about what people think? I mean we're just friends. Right?" His stare was asking me, eager for the answer.

I cleared my throat. "Yeah. Of course. We're friends. And friends do each other a favor. Can you do one for me?"


"Stay here."

"Come on." He shook his head at me.

"Please." I pulled out my best puppy face.

"Damnit. Fine."

I smiled. Victory. I stood closer in front of him. I didn't know why. I wanted to say something, but nothing came out from my mouth. I looked up at him. The moment I did, I regretted it. In an instant, I got lost in his beautiful, deep but warm blue orbs. I could get lost in them forever.


I cleared my throat as I moved a bit farther from him. Too close. "I didn't know why, I just did that." I explained.

"I guess you wanted to say something." He pushed.

"Yeah. Actually, I was going to tell you that I had a great time having lunch with you." Bingo.

"Me too. I thought you need to go?" It was more like a question.

I nodded my head almost vigorously. "Yeah. I'll go now." Slowly, I turned around and started walking to the door. Just when I was about to exit his office, he called out.


I turned around and something soft was planted in my cheek. My eyes widened in surprise. Did he just kiss me?

Breathing labored, I managed to ask him. "What was that for?"

"I can't help it. You're just so cute."

"Oh, thanks." I tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear.

Why am I feeling giddy?

"You'll be late."

I smiled. "I don't care. I'm with the boss."

He laughed. "God, you're really something."

I smiled. He was beautiful when he laughed. "I seriously need to go now, boss."

"Not before this." He kissed my right cheek. Well, he had kissed my the left one already.

I swatted him playfully and exited his office at last.


The afternoon rolled so fast. I didn't notice it was five already. I had designed so many clothes. Most of them were dresses. I also had this huge project, which was designing a wedding gown for Ms. Lahbati. She was a famous runway model here in Paris. The company designed most of her attire during fashion shows. Yeah, she had done so much for the company in a sense that she had advertised it and promoted me in just a week. I was so grateful for her. She trusted me.

I sighed as I looked at the mess on my work desk. Sketch papers, pencils and coloring pens were scattered on it. Without wasting any more time, I arranged them all back to their respective places. It only took me five minutes to clean my desk.

As I checked my office, making sure I turned everything off, my phone vibrated, indicating a text message.

'Hey, sorry. I want to drive you home, but something came up at home. My Dad is in the hospital.'

- Aiden xoxo

I feel worried right away. Worried, not because of the fact that he couldn't drive me home, but because of his Dad. Mr. Smith has been a good boss to me. It has been just a week that I had him as my boss but that week has been a great time for me because he was so kind and approachable.

After locking my office, I hurried to the elevator and hailed a cab once I was out of the building. When I got to the lobby of the hospital, I asked for Mr. Smith's room right away.

"Room 403." She told me. 

I smiled and thanked the receptionist. I got into the elevator and pressed 4th floor. When it came into a halt, I looked around for the said room. It was located at the end of the whole fourth floor, across the elevator. I walked along the hallway and stopped in front of the door. It was visiting hours so I had no problem of getting in.

Slowly, I raised my fist and knocked on the door. I stood there nervously and waited for it to be opened. It didn't. Maybe, Mr. Smith wouldn't accept visitors for now. I pursed my lips and decided to just go home. Just when I turned around, it opened, making me turn around on my heels again.


"Hi, Aiden."

- End of the Chapter -

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