Chapter Seven

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"Some people care too much. I think it's called love."

- Winnie the Pooh




When I arrived at the hospital, Dad was already transferred in his own private room. I was so relieved when I everything was fine. There was nothing serious about Dad's health condition. Mom rushed him to the hospital because she was in panic when dad told him that his vision was spinning and head hurting. When the doctor checked up on him, it was found out that Dad's blood pressure was a little bit high. 

The doctor's advice was to let Dad stay and take some rest to make sure his blood pressure was normal. He was forbidden to eat salty, fatty, and oily foods. He was also not allowed to overwork himself. 

I was just sitting by the window in Dad's room. He was sleeping soundly. Mom went out to run some errands with Donovan, their driver. She told me she'd buy us food for dinner because we would be staying with Dad overnight. I was just waiting for them to come back. 

The city was getting dark, but the sparkling city lights made it look so beautiful. I could see the beautiful sunset from the distance. I was mesmerized it. 

Somehow, a beautiful woman just came to my mind. I wanted to drive her home, but family came first for me. I had to be here for Dad. She must have had taken a cab home and I hope she was doing well. I was always mesmerized by Sheena's beauty. She looked so different. Different in a good way. She was special. 

If I got to explain what I felt for her was that was it. She was special. There was something in her that drew me in closer. It wasn't because of her beauty, but it was something else. Maybe, it was her skin, her small figure, or her eyes that twinkled every time she smiled and laughed. I didn't know. She has been just something else for me. She made me want to get to know her more. She made me want to stay with her more. 

I loved being around her. We both fitted well in the environment. Our personalities matched We both loved to talk. We had things in common and that was a good thing for me because we had so much to share with each other. Probably, the only difference between us was that I wasn't that perfect when it came to girls. I was a playboy. I slept with a lot of girls and I wasn't proud about it. I was young and I thought I enjoyed it. 

Many girls hated me, but many also loved to be with me. I wasn't trying to be cocky. I was just telling the truth. I received a lot of annoying text messages from them. There were some that I had hung out with, but I just left them after days if I got bored. I knew it was harsh. That was how and why they hated me. Well, they asked for it. I just gave them what they wanted.

Back when I was still in New York, I wasn't that bad of a playboy. I didn't sleep with girls often. It just usually happened at a bar when Axel, Sky, Drake, Chris and I went to hang out. It was just crazy how we went together to the bar and parted ways at the end of the night. In the morning, I would wake up only to find a naked girl beside me on a bed. Most of the time, I forgot their name and most of the time, they were just one-night stands. They didn't mean anything to me at all. I was just trying to make the most of my bachelorhood. 

I guessed that was just the only problem with me. I played around with girls for whatever purpose. I knew I had to change that behavior. 

It's not too late, right?

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