HELPER #11: What you don't know

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I taste my blood.

I smell my blood.

I see my blood.

He shot me,

But not in the right place

I sit up and laugh

I take a breath

I'm guessing he didn't want an autograph

He tried to kill me

But didn't succeed

Now it's time for my plan to feed


I hear the car door slam: I blink a few times, trying to shake the dizziness away. My hands are still tied together making it impossible to remove the duct tape from my mouth. I look around the room trying to find something, anything that will free my hands of their bonds. My eyes hover past the fireplace and land on the poker....THE POKER! Now, to get to the fireplace. I close my eyes and try to think.


After sometime my eyes flash with inspiration: now to perform a childhood trick I haven't done in years. I slowly lift my wrists above the back of the wooden chair, loosening my shoulders. And with a sudden pop, my shoulders are dislocated, erect above my head: poised in line. I stand and take a bow, as if celebrating a performance, releasing my shoulders. I glance at Holly's body, the blood forming a dark red pool on the white carpet. I shake my body and lift my head, walking to the fireplace.

Now, onto the rope.

As I reach the fireplace, I drop to my knees. With much frustration (that's what happens when you try to do it with your knees), I pick up the stupid poker and place it on the flames. After a few seconds I lay it on the ground and with lightning speed turn on my knees and pick up the poker with my fingers. I lean back into the poker allowing it to rest on the rope. After a minute or so I can feel the rope loosening: I pull with all my might. And just my luck, the rope actually breaks. I chuck the rope and poker into the roaring flames.

I rip the duct tape from my mouth, wincing in pain.

Does he think I;m stupid? As if I'd let something that important go to waste. My life's work was not something I was going to throw out the window just like that. My hand goes to my bra, and I pull out a small case and a black box button.

A case containing the REAL item: I just let him have a metal box. One that will kill him.

3. 2. 1.

I click the detonation button.

He'll be blown to bits before he knows it.

I tuck the object back in it's hiding spot and toss the detonation button into the flames. Now to destroy any evidence. I walk to Holly's body and kneel down. I roll her over so I can close her eyes. As she lays on her back, I cross her hands over her chest.

At the last moment, I run outside and pluck a bunch of lavender from the garden. Her favourite flower. When I get back inside, I place the flowers in her hands.

I dive my hand into the smouldering wood and pull out the poker. I automatically chuck it on the ground. I go over to the filing cainet and take out all the paper, placing it in a line from the poker to the wooden toy box.

That should get things going.

 I run over to Holly. I give her a final gesture of our friendship: I plant a kiss on her forehead. Goodbye Holly. Rest in peace. The flames starts to lick at the carpet and before long the room is on fire.

But by the time that happens I am well away from that house.


The next thing I know, I'm in a paddock looking down at the burning house. I don't know how long I've been here but it must have been awhile because the house is now well alight. The flames are now jumping out the windows.

It will be a while before anyone notices anything. After all, we are in the middle of no where. And nowhere takes a long time to get to. I do despise Uncle for what he has done me. But:

There's no way I could ever let Uncle down.

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