Boss: "Um.....excuse me?"

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Well that was interesting.

I'm glad my good, sweet, adorable little Jess still has it. She's a good little girl. I'm glad to see our agreement still stands.


That poor sweet Damon. He is a great guy. WAS. He is my best mate. WAS. He could have done it: he could have brought it to me. But I couldn't let that happen. Not to Jess. She's too valuable to me, she could be the end of this. The reason I wouldn't have to try anymore.

"Um, Boss?" a shaky little voice came from the door.

"Enter!" I make myself look busy by picking up the phone. "Yes!.... Mmmhum.... Right....Okay.....Will do....No sir!.... Okay, goodbye...." I place the phone down and look up at the man. "Yes? What do you want?"

"Um....." he murmurs nervously.


"I'm not quite sure how to tell you this sir, but..." he stops.

"Well?" He looks up at me with such fear in his eyes I almost feel sorry for him. Almost.

"She's gone..." I look up from my papers and look at him, back to the papers and back to his face. I place the papers on the table.

"Um.....excuse me?"

"Sh-" I cut him short. He can't be serious. Can he?

"I know what you said you pompus twit! Do you think I'm stupid!?" I throw my pages in the air.

"Bu-u-t y-y-you said....."

"DON'T WORRY ABOUT THAT NOW! WE'VE GOT MORE IMPORTANT THINGS TO WORRY ABOUT!" I scream while he looks at his feet. "HOW COULD YOU LET THIS HAPPEN?!" I stand up and grab him by the collar, leaving him only centimetres from my face.

"Well, um... we've, ahhh...l-l-lost her signal. She disappeared into the bushland making her way here." He starts to grasp at my hands, frantically trying to pry my fingers away.

"WELL! DON'T JUST STAND THERE! SEND OUT A CHOPPER!" I release him and he falls to the ground with a thud. Just as fast as he hits the ground he gets back up and scuttles to the door.

"Yes sir! Will do sir! On my way sir!" He slams the door.

"GOOD!" I slouch back in my chair and close my eyes. I sigh so deeply it almost turns into a moan. I CANNOT believe this. She's going to pay for this.

This is absolutley ridiclous.

So close but yet so far.

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