Chapter 11

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Two weeks. It was a long two weeks without the presence of her brother and her brunette. The first week she hated the brunette, actually, she just wanted to hate someone and Emily was the easiest. She knew that it was wrong, but every time she thought about, well, everything Emily was some how relevant to the topic.

Alison stayed at her parents house, today she was going to go back home. She wanted to stay away from her own home, solely because she believed Emily would try and visit her.

This second week though, Alison slept in Emily's sweatshirt she gave her from the night they first kissed. She hugged it tighter against her every night, wishing that it was Emily holding her, as she cried. Emily hadn't called, hadn't texted, or hadn't visited. Alison thought that Emily would have fought harder, or wouldn't have given in so easily, but she was absent from her life the past two weeks; well, sort of.

"You want me to put that in the wash?" Her mother pointed to Emily's sweatshirt that hung loosely off her body. "Is that Jason's?"

Alison looked down and pulled at the pocket of the hoodie, extending it so she could look at the faded Nike lettering on the front. She got the tiniest whiff of Emily. "No, it's uh, it's actually Emily's."

"Alison," her mother sighed, reaching out to grab Alison's hand, "you need to talk to her. She's done nothing wrong, she's helping our family, actually."

"Mom," Alison huffed, "we had one little argument and ever since she's been MIA. She wasn't even at the funeral!" It was the least Emily could do, yet she failed to fulfill the standard Alison set for her.

"Oh honey, she was there." Her mother smiled warmly at the blonde. "She borrowed one of your fathers suits, she was there. She's been texting me just about everyday to check on you."

Alison knew she needed to talk to Emily. They both had to have a talk. Today, after work, she decided she would head to Emily's apartment and have a talk with her.

"Toby, I've got an idea." Emily shot out of the conference room and over to Toby's desk.

Toby, and the chief, made sure Emily was well protected. She was only allowed to go through with her plan on a few conditions. Toby would be parked two blocks away and be in her ear, listening and communicating with Emily via a microchip in her ear. She was to wear a bullet proof vest underneath her uniform, and she herself insisted on wearing a wire: just for the precaution that something happened to her, then they'd still have evidence.

Emily got out of her truck, making sure that her pistol was loaded and off of safety before knocking on the door. "Hi, Mr. Swanson, can I come in?" She smiled at him. She could see the flicker in his eyes, it was only there for a spilt second, but she could tell he was waiting for someone on the task force. "I was just on my way home and I've been checking in on all of Jason's friends, I'm sorry I wasn't able to stop by sooner."

"Oh," he smiled lightly and opened the door further for her "come in." Emily sat herself on the couch, getting a glimpse at the older man's apartment. "You want a beer?"

"No, I'm good but thank you." He nodded, and disappeared in the kitchen. She assumed he was looking out his windows, just to make sure there wasn't multiple police cars outside. In fact, there wasn't a single one.

Emily smiled to herself, thinking this could be the "big break." Him getting a beer. She also had a flash of fear. He could just walk back into the living room and without her even seeing it coming, bam. She saw the gun in the waistband of his jeans. When he reached to close the door, his sweatshirt rode up and she could see the butt of the gun.

"Are you guys getting anywhere?" He asked after making small talk for about twenty minutes.

"Tell the truth." Toby rang out in her ears. She wasn't really stoked about having Toby in her ear, because she wasn't going to listen to him. She had her own tactic, and it was going to work.

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