Part 1

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I must get away... thought Tania as she swam, if they find me I have to hide on land. All of a sudden she was shot in the tail for you see Tania was a mermaid and not just any mermaid but the princess of the sea and she is on the run from the infamous demon hunters and right now she is swimming for her life with an injured tail to go with it.

Tania quickly swam into a big pipe to hide from the hunters in the helicopter, "I have to get to land quickly I won't be able to get this fixed underwater" Tania said looking at her tail. Concentrating hard Tania created a shadowy double of herself with her powers and sent it out to distract the hunters after a while Tania decided the coast was clear and swam to land. On the beach, she used the last of her powers to put a curse on herself that whenever she is dry, she will become human but if even a drop of water lands on her she will become a mermaid again. After Tania transformed she tied up her black hair so it wouldn't drag along the ground when she heard a helicopter and limped away into the city. Tania was so busy watching out for the aircraft that she didn't notice that she ran into someone in front of her.

"Oww!? That hurt" she said landing on her bum from the impact.

"I'm sorry are you ok?" said the person she ran into, she looked up to find her green eyes looking into a pair of blue ones that belonged to a boy about her age holding out his hand for her.

"Yes thank you I'm fine," Tania said taking his hand, she tried to hide her wincing from the gunshot wound in her leg but to get up, she had to put pressure on it and that hurt.

"Are you sure you're ok?" the boy asked worried, "yes thank you... Um..."

"Oh, my name is Nozomu Moegi what's yours?" Nozomu asked smiling.

Tania blushed a little at the smile "T... Tania" she said nervously, hearing a helicopter nearby she started getting worried. "I have to go now it was nice to meet you goodbye" She started to walk off (fast), Nozomu could smell blood on her though so he questioned, "Wait are you sure you all right?!" Tania turned around swaying a bit making Nozomu more suspicious "I'm fine don't worry-" Her eyes grew wide "Oh no I've used to much power" Then she fainted, Nozomu caught her. Did she say power? He thought to himself, he saw a dark patch on her pants and lifted them up "Shit I have to take her to the Moonshine" he said finding the gunshot wound. He picked her up bridal style and checked to make sure no one was watching before transforming and taking the rooftop way to the bar.

Meanwhile at the bar:

"Akira!!!!" Mitsuru's voice rang throughout the bar, and Mahiru who was doing the dishes dropped a glass in shock, she bent down to pick the pieces "Ouch" she said cutting herself on a piece of glass.

"Are you alright, princess?" Said Misoka coming in the kitchen door.

'Oh Misoka, yes I just dropped a glass because I was surprised by Mitsuru's outburst."

"Yes it seems that Akira is up to some tricks again," Misoka said shaking his head while Mahiru picked up another glass. Suddenly the front door burst open causing Mahiru to drop the glass she was holding again, but this time Misoka caught it.

"Guys I need some help here now!!" Nozomu's' voice throughout the place.

Mahiru and Misoka ran out to find Nozomu transformed and holding a girl unconscious in his arms.

"Nozomu?!" Mahiru shouted while Misoka took the girl out of his arms.

"No time to explain she's been shot in the leg," he said after transforming back.

"We'll take her upstairs in the spare room for now, but you should have taken her to a hospital," Misoka said as Mitsuru came down followed by Akira holding his head.

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