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The egos sleep patterns

Dark: on a "good night" dark can take up to two hours to fall asleep and then sleep from six to ten hours undisturbed depending on how tired he was before going to bed... On a "bad night" however he can lay in bed the entire night without getting any sleep at all... Yet he normally goes to eat something after about three hours and most the time Wilford is up as well and helps him fall asleep... Those nights usually happen once to twice a month. During those nights he uses Wilford as a pillow and becomes extremely clingy and cuddly towards Wilford.

Wilford: due to his job Wilford tries to have a regular sleep schedule yet fails horribly as he stays up very late doing paperwork he didn't have the chance to work on at the office or working on interview questions. When work isn't keeping him up it's nightmares, night terrors or vivid memories from his past. After a nightmare he mostly can't fall asleep without help. When they happen he will head down to the kitchen. If Dark is also awake they help one another sleep. If he isn't Wilford makes himself some coffee and watches television for a few hours before heading back up to his room.

Yandereplier: she keeps a regular sleep pattern for school yet is also one of those people that doesn't need much sleep to make it through the day. This leaves enough time to go make sure the one she's interested in is safe, do whatever she needs to in the afternoon (slaking other girls, torture un "worthy" concubines, ect.), sleep and be up by 6 the next morning to make sure her love interest makes it to school safe. This is the sleep pattern she has adopted since she first layed eyes on that special someone and refuses to chair the details of who they are.

King of the squirrels: he's mostly diurnal yet aslo had the sleeping habits of a... Well squirrel.

The Host: the Host is the kind of person to fall asleep very easily when tiered. If he gets too tired at his desk that's where he's going to fall asleep so he tries to go to bed before he gets exhausted. And when it comes to how heavy he sleeps it really depends on the night and situations.

Dr. Iplier: similarly to Wilford his sleep pattern isn't exactly the best due to his job. He can or be called to come in for a shift in the middle of the night or come back from one in the middle of the night. When those happen he tries to sleep in naps when he knows he can.

Bim: He actually has a stable and normal sleep pattern. He usually goes to bed by 8:00 pm and gets up at 6:30 am exactly.  This means he is fully awake when he gets to the office building where his show is filmed. He also tends to drink a coffee at 9:00 am to be able to make it through the afternoon.

The Jim twins: they sleep whenever wherever. What are we to expect with those two. They do have a room and if they know Dark is sleeping they do sleep at night but they are extremely light sleepers so if Dark pops his neck back in place when near their bedroom door or that Wilford screams when waking up from a nightmare they are going to wake up.

I'm personally like Dark when it comes to sleep. It takes me absolutely for ever to manage to fall asleep yet I am impossible to wake up once I did... And I have nights where sleep just tells me to go f#%* myself.

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