Chapter Five: It Wasn't a Bad Date

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(Third Person POV)

"I had a really great time, too," Bellamy said into his phone as he was fumbling around in his pocket for his keys.

"When can I see you again?" Gina asked him. Before Bellamy could answer, like clockwork, Clarke had begun to play her music. He tried to talk to her but the music was loud and kept cutting him off.

"I'll call you tomorrow!" He told her and he hung up. Bellamy finally found the right key and walked into his flat. He would've went straight to Clarke's door and tell her off, but he already knew how that conversation would end.

He didn't even make to his bed, he just collapsed on his couch, almost missing it by an inch. The day had been exhausting for him, with working all morning and socializing the rest of the day. He felt weird even complaining about it because Gina was nice and Murphy was his best friend. But the night had been intense and all he wanted to do was hit the open road, feelings the ground shake underneath him. Gina was fast pace, there was no denying it, but she was the kind of fast pace where even if you told her to show down, she would just ignore you. They had gone mini-golfing, then to dinner, and then Gina suggested to go bowling. To say Bellamy's wallet was hurting would be a major understatement. If she kept this up, he would have to be taking cold showers for the next three months.

His thoughts were interrupted by a loud knocking on his door. He groaned as he stretched his arms out as high as they could go. When he opened the door, he shouldn't have been surprised.

"Clarke?" He asked wiping the tiredness from his eyes.

"Yeah, hey, can I borrow some sugar?" She asked. Bellamy took in the current state she was in: pajamas, messy hair, and blood shot eyes. She was tired.

"Why do you need sugar? And what makes you think I have sugar?"

"You just seem like a guy who always has a bag of sugar," she replied coolly as she shifted her body weight back and forth.

"Fine, you can step in for a minute while I grab it–"

"I can wait out here," she interrupted as she waited for him to get the sugar. He went into his cabinets looking for his bags of sugar. Bellamy liked to bake, so he always had stuff laying around.

"Here you go," he said handing her the bag.

"Thanks, I'll bring it back tomorrow," she paused for a moment then said, "Unless you want to come over and back some cookies with me? That way, you could just take your sugar back with you when we're done."

Bellamy turned around and saw that the oven clock read 1 AM. He then turned to look at Clarke and saw the shy smile that was plastered across her face. He felt bad about letting her down, he was really getting somewhere with her, but Bellamy was also exhausted from this week. He needed sleep.

"Sure," he smiled and ignored every aching and tired muscle in his body.


"No, you have to put two scoops of sugar in them, or else it'll be too sweet!" Bellamy exclaimed as he tried to take away the sugar from Clarke. They had been dancing all over the kitchen to whatever CD she had put in. The whole, dingy, kitchen was more of a mess than it already was.

"That's the point! I always put in at least four scoops of sugar and one scoop of brown sugar for flavor!"

"You'll get a sugar rush," he laughed as he re-sealed the bag.

"Fine, but I'm adding in the entire bag of chocolate chips," she smiled as she cut open the bag and just dumped them in the mixing bowl.

"You like to do things out of order, don't you?" He joked as he cracked the eggs and added the flour over the chocolate.

"I'm very unpredictable."

They finally finished mixing the ingredients and making them into weird shapes.

"What is that?" Clarke was laughing so uncontrollably, she had to grip the counter for support. She couldn't remember a time when that happened to her.

"It's a tree!" Bellamy tried to defend his baking skills.

"That looks like a stick–"

"Well, sticks are on trees, so I stand by this!"


"Thanks for the sugar."


"And for making them with me. I know how much you value your sleep," Clarke joked as she turned her music off as she walked with him to the door.

"I surprisingly had fun," he smiled as he stood frozen in her doorway.

"Surprisingly? I'm not that bad, am I?"

"We did get off to a rough start."

"You think?" She said remembering what she told him the first time he said that to her.

"Well, I should get going. I have work in five hours."

"I won't see you there tomorrow, I still haven't finished the last CD. I'm waiting for tomorrow afternoon," she told him.

"Why not just finish it tonight?" He couldn't help but ask. Clarke was just full of surprises and he loved it.

"I figured I should let you sleep, at least, for tonight."

"That's-wow, that's really nice of you. I would greatly appreciate that," he said as he walked backwards into the hallway, still not taking his eyes off of her.

"Goodbye, Bellamy."

"Goodnight, Clarke."

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