Chapter Four: Totally Not the Jealous Type

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(Third person POV)

Clarke didn't want to be on a "friendly basis" with Bellamy, but she couldn't deny the fact that he was actually nice. Well, when he wasn't nagging her to turn her music down like her mother. Bellamy had returned her CDs and she knew that because she hadn't gotten a notification saying otherwise.

"The Iliad? I love this book," Bellamy said to a girl as he rung it up in the system. But Clarke definitely didn't care that he was talking to a beautiful girl with luscious hair and a great smile. 100% didn't care.

"I've already read it, but I lost my copy so I figured the library would have one," she laughed. Why was she laughing? That wasn't funny, Clarke thought to herself as she waited impatiently behind her in line.

"So about the double-date, I'll pick you up at seven? I'll be driving with Murphy since I didn't know if you'd get on the back of my motorcycle–"

"Seven sounds perfect. And that's a relief because I don't think I could ever get on the back, or front, of a bike," she replied as she took the book, nervously kissed him on the cheek, and left. It was finally Clarke's turn in line and she dumped her pile of new CDs on the front counter.

"You're going to end up listening to our entire music library by the end of this month," Bellamy joked as he started to ring up the nine CDs.

"Is that a challenge?" 

"Yeah, actually," Bellamy told her with a straight face as he run up her last CD.

"That girl in front of have a thing with her?" Clarke asked subconsciously tugging on the end of her cardigan.

"You jealous?" He smirked as he handed her the plastic bag.

"No, I hardly even know you, or her. But she seems great. Really great. Like, she seems cool-"

"You're rambling, Clarke."

"I guess I am. By the way, if you ever need a tune up on your bike, I would be happy to do it," she said as she accepted the plastic bag, secretly hoping that their hands would brush up against one another, but they didn't.

"That would be really great, and cheaper than going to a shop, thanks!" He said as he waved goodbye to Clarke

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"That would be really great, and cheaper than going to a shop, thanks!" He said as he waved goodbye to Clarke.

Bellamy already knew every detail, every aspect of his bike. He already knew exactly what it needed and when it needed it. He just wanted to see Clarke.


"So that's it," Clarke said as she rubbed her forehead.

"You got a little.."

"A little what?" She asked.

"There's grease on your forehead," he laughed.

"Oh," she returned the laugh and tried to rub it off. However, she only added more grease.

"Let me just do it," Bellamy told her as he took one of the rags and wiped away the grease. His hand stayed a little longer on her face than he intended to, but it felt right.

Clarke shifted uncomfortably on her feet, not knowing what to do or how to react. It might have just been all in her head, but she could've sworn he was leaning towards her and vice-versa.


They both broke away from their trans and turned around.

"Murphy!" Bellamy replied as he tripped backwards and stumbled over his bike.

"Did you forget?" Murphy asked as he parked his car and got out.

"No, well, a little bit. You can come up to my flat while I finish getting ready. Oh, this is Clarke by the way. She was just looking at my bike for me," Bellamy said as he shrugged his jacket back on. Murphy extended his hand to shake Clarke's.

"Nice to meet you. You know, Bellamy, I had no idea you didn't know how to fix your own bike! Thank God that Clarke knows her way around it! By the way-"

"Murphy," Bellamy nervously laughed, "we should get going. I have to find my good flannel," he finished as he shoved Murphy into the flat complex.

"Dude, you like Clarke," Murphy said as they got on the elevator.

"No, I don't like Clarke. She's annoying, and obnoxious, and rude..And she always plays her music too loud, on purpose, when I'm trying to sleep-"

"Should we even be going on this double-date?"

"Gina seems amazing. One dinner date will hopefully get those insane ideas out of your head. I do not like Clarke."

He kind of liked Clarke.

A/N: Sorry for this filler chapter, it gets better from here, I swear ❤️😂

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