I found

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It had been six months, Carl and Dominique were still going strong, I had to give them props. I had underestimated both of them- mostly her, but still. I would watch them walk up, down and sideways in the hallways. There were moments, my imagination played games on me and I swore I caught him staring at me, though I always shook my head and cleared my head of those thoughts. It wasn't healthy, especially after getting out of fuck buddy relationship with him that nearly broke my soul into pieces.

As I walked through the hallway to get to my first period class, I tried to avoid them. It was hard for me to do so, because of course Carl and I shared at least a class together, and my parents would be pissed if my grade fell because of a relationship that they had no clue even existed.

"Hey Noel, wait up!"

I turned around to see it was Tyler Gael, he was one of the guys that I used to smoke, sleep with and hang out with before I stopped because of Carl. Tyler was a good guy, he was the one that had helped me after my sister passed away when I was younger. He and I were inseparable until I made the worst decision and left alone.

"Hey Ty, long time."

"Can say that again.." He paused, I started walking once more and he followed suit. "So..." He cut off again.

"So..What?" I had a feeling that this conversation had to do with Carl or at least, it would go toward that direction.

"You, Me and a two grams of that good shit like old times, sound good? Or are you still hung up on Gallagher?"

I kept my eyes on his, it wasn't a great move on my part to accept yet I needed to get my mind off of the torment it had been putting me through, anytime I even closed my eyes, I was reminded of every memory I shared with Carl. I hesitated and even he could tell that I wasn't sure about my next move. There was a small part of me that told me not to do it, that it was a horrible idea, that there would be no going back if I accepted his offer.

"When?" I forced out against my better judgement, even forcing a smile onto my lips.

"How about now?" His eyes held that wildness that I loved to see in everyone, something that I used to have. He was oblivious to every emotion in my body that wanted to hold me back and stay where I was.

(3RD P.O.V)

He then took her hand and led her quickly through the halls and to the nearest exit, it was the excitement of being caught that made them burst out in laughter as they ran through the hallway. Their fun was short lived when Noel found herself being pulled away from her friend and into someone's chest, Noel could tell by the look on Tyler's face who it was.

"Didn't you know you could get into trouble because of skipping?"

His voice was filled with amusement as Noel was filled with dread. Tyler only rolled his eyes and pulled on her arm, trying to get her out of his hold, only causing the other male to tighten his hold on the poor girl, causing her to wince slightly but not enough to make them notice that their act of male dominance was hurting her.

"Oh hey Gallagher. How've you been?." Tyler smiled widely knowing that he would get a bad reaction to his actions. "Long time, how've you been? How's the girlfriend, what was her name, Oliva?" Noel looked down at Carl's grip on her arm.


"Oh right, STD girl, right?" Tyler chuckled pulling on Noel once more, bringing her close to him. Carl growled and yanked Noel back to him.

"Shut up, Gael."

"Whatever, I'd love entertain you but Noe and I have plans that we have to get to." He smirked, he loved pushing the younger male's buttons. "Now be a good little dog and o find your bitch."

Carl finally had enough of the other male and pushed Noel gently out of their way and began to post up to the other. He had an amused smile that only made Noel worry for Tyler's safety.

"No, I don't think you get my gist, 'homeboy'. If you don't back the fuck off, you won't be able to make your plans, ever. I really think you'd appreciate walking away with your arm still in one piece and your face still pretty."

By this point Carl was in Tyler's face, Noel finally decided to put an end to it all. She grabbed Carl's arm and began to pull him away but when that failed she got between the two of them, her back to Tyler and facing Carl.

"Carl stop, look I agreed to go with him. Just back off before you get us into trouble because you can't control your anger." She motioned to the male teachers and the school cop, ready to break up another Gallagher fight.

"Whatever look Noel, when you get this asshole to understand you're not his anymore, text me." Tyler shook his head and waved them off as he walked away. Noel sighed, watching him leave.


Noel looked back at Carl with disbelief and scoffed. "Screw you, Carl." 

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