I Spy

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Toby's POV

Miya and I decided to spy on Annabeth and Mr. Blofis. I mean, come on, a teacher taking a student home? That's just wrong.

So we snuck up to the house and we looked into the window and what we saw surprised us. Mr. and Mrs. Blofis were sitting at a table laughing with a bunch of teenagers, Annabeth among them. They talked like they've known each other for a long time.

I remembered Mr. Blofis asked Annabeth if she wanted him to invite the Seven. Then why are there only six teenagers? And we're is Percy Jackson if Mr. Blofis is his step-dad?

Maybe he moved when he transferred. So then why would Annabeth be hanging out here all the time if her boyfriend, Sorry, 'whole world' left?

This is confusing. I missed being a detective. It's time to get digging.

Sally said something and all commotion stopped. Annabeth got up, crying, and went and hugged her, smiling slightly.

The dark skinned girl slapped the Latino guy desire her and said, "Leo, your ears are smoking again!"

That was a weird thing to say. Another girl said, "Yeah, come on Repair Boy. This is wonderful news!"

Oh so he must be the one who texted Annabeth earlier today. They have the weirdest nicknames. Just from sitting here for twenty minutes I have heard so many.

I heard Repair Boy, Beauty Queen, Sparky, and a Seaweed Brain. Everyone got quiet after that one was spoken.

We watched as Annabeth pulled out a ball point pen and twirled it in her fingers. She started to cry and excused herself and went upstairs. 'Beauty Queen' excised Herself as well and followed her.

We chose that moment to leave. We'd be coming back again when no one was home so we could explore some more.


Annabeth's POV

I heard his nickname, the one I gave him, and I broke. I took out the pen I always carry in my pocket and twirl it in my fingers.

I thank Sally for supper and run up to his room. I lay on his bed and sob. Why did he leave me? I can't do this on my own.

Piper came in and sat on the bed. She held me while I cried and we talked for awhile about good old times and memories from the Argo II.

It was nice and I was soon ready to go back downstairs. Sally and Paul had gone to bed and the rest of the Seven were sitting on the couch watching TV.

"You guys didn't have to wait for me." I said.

Jason turned around to look at me. "No it's okay. We were thinking about a movie night/sleepover kinda thing. I call the couch."

I smiled gratefully. I love my friends. We put in Finding Nemo and watched in a comfortable silence.

When the movie was over, I said quietly, "Sorry if I wake you guys."

"Hey, there's nothing to be sorry about." Leo answered seriously. I smiled and snuggled into the chair I was sleeping on.

They all knew about my night terrors. They attack every night and I usually wake up screaming. I dread going to sleep, but my friends make it better. They know what I see every night. They were there.

They're not as bad when my best friends are with me.

I fell asleep with semi-pleasant thoughts.

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