Puzzle is Nearly Complete

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Toby's POV
My mind was still reeling from the conversation yesterday.

He's dead. Annabeth had said. That certainly messed up our whole investigation. I tried to piece together all the details in my head.

Percy had come to Goode for a couple years. Last year, after Christmas Break, he didn't return to school. Everyone said he transferred, but that probably isn't the case. Maybe he died over break?

Nah. That wouldn't make sense. Annabeth said Percy died that summer, right before his 17th birthday. So where was he for the last eight months?

Annabeth and her friends seemed to know him very well. They all seemed to still be grieving. No wonder, it was only September. He just died back in August.

That would also explain Mr. Blofis's reactions and his talk with Annabeth. I wonder what the information that Sally Jackson had shared at that supper? It must have been important, because everyone had mixed reactions to that.

I walked into Mr. Blofis's classroom and took a seat beside Miya. Annabeth wasn't here today, which was strange for a Friday. I walked up to the teacher's desk. "Mr. Blofis, do you know where Annabeth is today?"

He looked up at me and calmly said, "She got an early start on her weekend. Headed to camp with some of her friends."

Camp?!? What is this? I just nodded and sat down. I was kind of tired of playing Sherlock. I think it's time to finally put this case to rest. I really felt bad for Annabeth. She seemed to really like Percy. From afar, he seemed like a really good guy.

I wonder how he died. But I guess that's just a question for another day.


Annabeth's POV

I sat on the beach at Camp Half-Blood with the rest of the Seven and some other demigods looking out at Long Island Sound. This was Percy's favorite spot and it made me really sad.

I tried to push that thought aside and just enjoy being with friends. I would never forget Percy and I would never move on. He's waiting for me in Elysium. I couldn't wait to see his smile again.

Things will get better, Seaweed Brain. I promise. You're not getting away from me. Never again.


And there is the stunning conclusion of my latest story. Ta-da! Jk. I really hope you guys like this one. It's really short, but I was kinda getting writer's block and I didn't know where else I wanted to go with this, so I decide to wrap it up. Remember to vote and comment and I will hopefully be publishing some new stories soon, so keep an eye on my account. Currently, my stories are Olympian Games, When the Dark Swallows You Whole, and She Keeps To Herself. I love you guys. Thanks for reading my stories. See ya later demigods:)

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