Secrets of a Prussian Witch

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-Secrets of a Prussian Witch-


I own nothing except this fanfic and my imagination. Be warned: Françoise Bonnefoy is in this story.


"In Nicholas McClain's School for Magic (or NMSM), students from ages 12-22 are taught to do extraordinary things. Like, well, magic. This story revolves around a certain group of wizards struggling through school. And a certain mysterious girl, whose friends are interested in knowing more about, especially the powers that she has kept hidden."

Hey guys, I hope you enjoy this and if I get enough comments I might post the second chapter! Who knows? For now, just keep on reading and learning about what life as a wizard is inside my mind.

Chapter 1: Introducing the Family

In Nicholas McClain's School for Magic (or NMSM), students from ages 12-22 are taught to do extraordinary things. Like, well, magic. No, they don't just take random people and squeeze the magic into them. Certain children are born with the blood of magic running in their veins.

They are taught to control the powers given to them. Powers like invisibility, speed, flying and mind-reading. This story revolves around a certain group of wizards struggling through school. And a certain mysterious girl, whose friends are interested in knowing more about, especially the powers that she has kept hidden.

"Ve, ve~ fratello I can't believe it! Can you? It's our first day again of magic school! It seems only yesterday that we were twelve years old and know nothing about it. Now we're sixteen-"

"And we still know nothing. And can you please sit still, Feli, we're almost there." Said Lovino Vargas to his sister, Felicia. Lovino has the gift of fire while Felicia has speed.

Felicia whined, "Come on, nonno~ I can't let Luddy win! We had a bet on who would arrive faster, and I have to be there before he does!" Felicia whined to their grandfather who was driving them to their bus to school. The old man (who is a warlock that can control and conjure water and other liquids) just laughed, "We will be there soon, ragazza, just wait."

Meanwhile, Lovino was leaning on the door and playing with a little flame he created (it doesn't burn anything until he tells it too), "If only you let her make the car go faster we would've made it there earlier." He countered.

"You know we can't do that, Lovino, we could have been seen." Their grandfather scolded. Suddenly, Lovino felt his little fire burn out and his hands were suddenly in a water bubble. He let out a groan, "Nonno! What the hell?! Get me out of this bubble! You know what happens when I get wet!"

"Don't lean on the door. And watch your mouth young man." The man said, eyes on the road while keeping the water bubble around his grandson's hands.

"We're here! We're here! Fratello, we're here! And Luddy's not here yet!" Felicia jumped up and down in her seat so fast, the whole car rocked. Lovino just sat there, eyes burning with fury at his grandfather and hoping that the rocking could pop the bubble.

To any normal person, the bus station to NMSM just looked like a forest with a cliff. But to all wizards it looked like any normal station. Any car entering the supposed 'forest' would immediately disappear. That's because the whole station is covered with an invisibility charm.

"Alright, off we go." Their grandfather turned off the engine and got out of the car just as Felicia stopped the jumping with Lovino glaring at the old man. He opened Felicia's door and she sped out of it, "Lovino?"

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