A Drop of Elixir

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-Secrets of a Prussian Witch-


I own nothing but my mind. Credits go to Himaruya, I do not make a single penny out of this. All I want is for you guys to enjoy and comment, it will be thoroughly appriciated! :)

Chapter 2: A Drop of Elixir

Julchen flipped through the pages of the old, worn book. She's looking for a specific potion that she needs. "Fuck, where is it?!"

The pages flipped and flapped, nothing. "He said it'll be here. He fucking said-" Julchen groaned and threw the open book to the floor. Because of the thickness and weight of it, it fell on the floor earlier than she had anticipated and ripped the page she was holding on to.

"Oh crap!" Her angry voice reverberated on the walls. The albino sat on the floor, clutching the separated page as if it was the reason for all of her misfortunes.

She hugged herself and bowed her head. She then opened her hand and glared at the piece of paper. Then, her eyes widened at a neatly printed word on it.


"Malforta...Malforta! That's it! That's the potion!" She leapt on her feet and placed the crumpled ball of paper on the stone table by the wall directly across the ladder she used to climb down to her laboratory. Julchen pushed the microscope and box out of the way. She unfolded it and tried to straighten the page, desperately making the words clear.

'Malforta Potion:

Coming from the Esperanto word "malforta" meaning weak, a drop of this potion can make the drinker lose their powers for 3-4 hours. The time they lose their wizarding gifts may vary depending on the amount drunk. The more potion, the longer.

How to make-

1 liter of salt water pour into cauldron

2 apple seeds crushed and added carefully

1 tablespoon of snail slime, stir thoroughly

3 drops of leprechaun saliva, add at 1 minute intervals

1 feather of a hawk (if it does not dissolve, DO NOT CONTINUE)

1 eye of a shrimp, stir until mixture is powder blue and place in glass containers only'

Julchen read everything in record time. But that was only the half of it.

'To make the Malforta Potion permanent, add the following ingredients after one month of brewing the previous ingredients.


Leave the previous mixture untouched for one month (if more than 31 days, do not add the following ingredients)

5 drops of pheonix tears

1 poison ivy leaf diced into bits

2 cockroach antennae added ONLY after potion bubbles

Stir thoroughly five times. Leave in a dark area for one week and drink ONE OUNCE only (or results may be severe).'

The Prussian gulped. She'll be brewing this potion for one month and a week. "It's too long." She sighed, she needs to do this. She has to.

Julchen walked over to the cauldron and set about brewing her potion. She walked around opening cabinets and collecting jars (some are gifts from her previous potions teachers that are awestruck by her abilities). She stayed down there for about an hour just running around and stirring. Ludwig then called her up for dinner.

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