Family is Forever

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MCR is a memory. But now, I must go solo, and take care of my most prized possesions, my family, and my comics. My loving wife is on tour, while I'm at home, taking care of Bandit, while I start a new season of the Umbrella Academy. But, while I'm in a car ride, everything changes.

Chapter 1-

The alarm clock started ringing at 7:45 a.m.

"Ugh" Gerard moaned unpleasantly.

He then is startled when Bandit comes out of the blue, and roars an almighty lion roar.

"Oh my goodness you scared me Bandit!" Gerard wanting to curse, but his startled heart refrained him from doing that.

"I love you daddy!" Bandit said in the most adorable tone.

"I love you more my love." Gerard said.

Gerard then proceded to get ready for the day. He made breakfast for him and Bandit, brushed his teeth, took a shower, got ready, and then got Bandit ready.

But he still needed to do one more thing.

"Want to call mommy Bandit?" Gerard said.

"YES, YES, YES!" Bandit said screaming happily.

The phone started to ring, until Lynz picked up the phone.

"EVERY SNOW FLAKES DIFFERENT JUST LIKE YOU!" Gerard and Bandit sang to Lynz.

"My two precious humans, I love you." Then Lynz made a kissy noise throught the phone, and Gerard and Bandit did the same.

"Got to go loves, I have to go perform!" said Lynz sadly.

"I love you mommy." said Bandit.

"I love you." said Gerard.

"I love you both so much, can't wait to see you again." said Lynz.

"Hey kiddo, want to go to the comic book store?" exclaimed Gerard in the most excited tone.

"YEAH!" screamed Bandit.

Gerard headed outside with Bandit, and started his 1988 Dodge Charger. As Gerard slowly drove out of his driveway, he then turned and drove off to the comic book store. He then proceded to make a turn on the same stop, where the comic book store was.

Then a car hits them from behind, softly.

"Hey, did you get your driver's license yet?" yelled Gerard.

"Yeah." said a strangely familiar voice.

"Ray?" said Gerard in a low tone.

"Gerard?" said Ray.

"Oh my god. Its been forever since I've seen you!" said Gerard, while hugging Ray.

"Yeah dude! Its been a year already." sadly said Ray.

"If only we could get the band back together." thought Ray.

"Well that scratch isn't gonna fix its-."

"Here." Ray interupted Gerard while giving him 100 dollars.

"I don't need that much bro!" Gerard exclaimed.

"Its the least I could do." Ray said softly.

Gerard then got in his car, and then noticed that in the stack of 5s and 10s, there was a note, it was Ray's phone number.

"Huh?" Gerard surprising said.

"I'll call him later." said Gerard in his head.

Then Gerard went inside the comic store's parking lot and slowly parked his car. He walked to the comic store, and Bandit is just so happy she can buy her daddy's awesome comics.

Gerard just was marveled by the amount of comics the store restocked on.

"Wow." marveled Gerard.

"Daddy this is amazing, Killjoys is all over the place!" cried happily Bandit.

Indeed they were. Hundreds of his comics were restocked in the store. He was just amazed his work got so popular. After all after the break up, it caused his comics to hit sky high.

"Why hello there, Gerard." Another strangely familiar voice said.

"Frank?!" Gerard surprised voice said. After all he just met Ray, and now Frank?

"Yeah, It's Fun Ghoul." said Frank laughing.

"Did you restock my comics?" Gerard said mysteriously.

"I found out that you, and Bandit go here often, and their was a job opening, so I took it, and probably restocked the entire store with your comics." said Frank laughing.

"Thanks?" Gerard said chuckling.

"No problem, I mean who wouldn't want to buy their own work?" Frank said in an egotistic tone.

"A lot of people don't, including me." Gerard had his eyes locked in Frank's.

"But, I heard your limited edition Grant Morrison's Doom Patrol copy got worn out so-" Frank pulled out one of the rarest copies, signed by Grant Morrison himself. All in its original bagging.

Gerard stared in awe, as he was speechless, as once of his favorite comics laid in front of him.

"You shouldn't have." The sound of soft kisses left Gerard's lips as he grabs the comic, like if it was going to fly away.

"It's the least I could do, I mean the break up must have been tough on you." scoffed Frank.

"It has, but a lot of opportunities for a solo album came to me." Gerard said eagerly.

"That's great. I'm just a comic book collector now." sadly said Frank.

"Hey, now don't bring yourself down, you will always be that crazy homo that was the guitarist in My Chemical Romance. Besides , I need a guitar player for my upcoming gig, are you willing to come with me?" the words never came out more smoothly from Gerard's mouth.

"I don't know if I should." said a confused Frank.

"Dude, I have Ray's phone number, we could possibly get the band back together!" Gerard has never been this happy since the break up.

"That would be awseome." Frank said happily.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2014 ⏰

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