Welcome to Beacon(Part two)

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~No ones view~
After Miss Goodwitch asked who was next logan had raised his hand before walking down to the stage."Better give me someone fast Miss Goodwitch or else they won't keep up."Logan said with a smirk."Miss Rose please come down to the stage."Goodwitch said before in a flash ruby was standing on the other side of the stage from Logan."What's your weapon?"Ruby asked Logan."I'll show ya."He said pulling out his reverse blade sword from its sheath."This is my reverse blade sword."He said."That's cool but..."Ruby trailed off before her sutherland unfolded."I think mines cooler."She said before a buzzer went off sounding the start of the match."Let's do this."Logan said before a strange looking white light appeared behind him and he stepped back into it disappear."Where is he?"Ruby said before being hit in the back with the blunt end of Logans sword."Here I am."He said."Gotta be quick to keep up with me ruby."He said before being slammed to the wall by Ruby's scythe"And you shouldn't have been talking so much."She said laughing."Ok let's make this interesting."Logan said before switching his reverse blade sword to its .44 Magnum and firing three rounds at ruby distracting her long enough for him to open another doorway and enter teleporting behind ruby but ruby expect it and hit him with the end of her scythe before firing two rounds at his legs tripping him but when he fell he shot of another rounds hitting Ruby's hand causing her to have to let go of part of her scythe which would make it harder to swing but it didn't stop her from swinging down her scythe trying to slam it into him but he rolled out of the way before getting to his feet and hitting her again while she was picking her scythe up again."I've got this in the bag."Logan said before reloading his magnum and unloading it in Ruby's direction but she had changed back to her sniper and did the same but by the time either of them tried to move it was to late every shot from the other person hit them causing their auras to fall to zero setting the buzzer off."Well class it seems we have a tie! It was a great performance from both sides and I expect you both to keep up the good work! You may return to your seat."Goodwitch said before the two nodded and headed back to their seats."Ok the last member that hasn't fought is Matthew please come to the stage."Goodwitch said as he walked up to the stage and once he was on the stage he took off his jacket that was tied to his waist revealing a wolf tail then took of his hat with wolf ears popping up."Im ready Miss Goodwitch."He said and She nodded."Let's see who you should face."She said before Cardin raised his hand."Ill take on pip squeak Miss goodwitch."He said."Miss Goodwitch with all due respect I want a challenge not someone who's all bark and no bite."Matthew said." Very well Mr Sutherland I'll find you someone who will prove a challenge to your skills."She said causing Cardin to get pissed before sitting down."How about we put you against yang?"She asked."I'll accept her as a worthy opponent."Matthew said."Ok Miss long please come down to the stage."Goodwitch said as yang walked down to the stage."Are you ready?"Yang asked Matthew."I'm always ready for a good fight!"He replied."Then let's fight!"Yang replied as they both got into their fighting stance."Okay you two the match begins in three........two.....one fight!"Miss goodwitch said before the two rushed forward at each other. Yang went to punch Matthew in the face but he ducked and slammed his elbow into her side knocking the breath out of her and knocking her over."Did I over do it on that one?"Matthew asked standing straight."Over did it? Nah we're just getting started!"Yang yelled right before punching Matthew in the stomach then firing her gauntlet at point blank range knocking him farther back while also making him kneel down."Ow that stung......."Matthew stood up and his eyes flashed red for a second."But this is getting interesting!"He said before rushing at yang while she did the same but this time when yang when to hit Matthew in the face he raised his arm and right before the blow hit his arm his gauntlet unfolded cover his entire arm protecting him for the blow that instead hit the gauntlet causing yang to yelp in pain."Sorry but I can't have you hitting me that easily can I?"Matthew said before throwing a punch with his other arm that was also covered in a gauntlet hitting yang in the side before she retaliated with tackling Matthew to the ground before punching him in the side multiple times before stopping and looking at the aura levels seeing that his aura barely went down from the attack."Sorry was that suppose to hurt?"He asked before pushing her off and standing up while putting out his sword from his back. The sword itself was a black blade with red symbols on it along with the edges be red with a black handle."Come on let's continue."He said before yang stood up about to rush him again when she yet again saw the red flash in his eyes."Come at me!"He said before she rushed him again while barraging him with shotgun shells while he used his sword and gauntlets to try and block the shots but still a few managed to hit. When yang was close enough she went in for another punch but Matthew spun around swinging his sword before hitting her in the side with the dull side causing her to stumble and miss her shot. "This is fun!"Yang said while turning around to look at Matthew."Agreed we should do this again."He said before they both began to rush each other but before they got t close the bell rang ending class to they put away their weapons before looking at each other."Continue some other time?"Yang asked."Defiantly!"Matthew said."See ya later then."He said."See ya."Yang said back before they headed towards their seats."Okay class since that battle was ended mid-match we will call it draw for now and maybe we will continue it some other time. Remember to practice your fighting and I'll see you all tomorrow."Miss goodwitch said before dismissing everyone......

-To be continued-
(Well I hope you all enjoyed the chapter and I hope the fights were at lest decent!  Well I'll see you all next chapter bye!)

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