Chapter 2

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"What? You- you- I-" Dipper stuttered as he stood back up to his feet. "How are you here? And why are you here?!" instinctively, he went to reach for his journal, but it wasn't there. He had left it in the shack. "You can't be me! I am me-" Dipper almost facepalmed at how ridiculous the statement was. "Or are you you?" the other boy raised an eyebrow and let his hand fall to his side. "Are you really acting as your true self around your family, friends, and loved ones?" a female asked from behind him, with the same posture as he. "Of course I am! What do you want from me?"

"You seemed to be the reason our little... Friend has ran away. He has been following you, after all," Dipper pointed to the creature that Dipper was standing in front of. He angrily crossed his arms. "What?! No one or thing has been following me." he assured them, though it sounded like more of a question than a statement. "Sure. Then explain that." the female stated angrily as she pointed at something behind an oblivious Dipper, who turned around to find a rather tall man ducking behind him with his hands on Dipper's shoulders as he shivered uncontrollably. "I've never seen him before in my life," he mumbled as his head turned back to face the other Dipper. "Then we will just bring him back with us-"

He looked back and forth between the other Dipper and the cowering man behind him a few times before making a choice between letting them take him, or defending him. The man didn't seem willing to go with them, though they said he was their friend. They could be lying. "Don't let them take him, Pinetree!" a certain someone pleaded from beside him. Dippers eyes widened at the nickname that brought back so many unwanted memories as a shiver went up his spine. "What are you doing here Bill?!" he turned toward the voice, expecting to see a life size yellow triangle, but instead seeing a man that didn't look to much different from the one standing behind him, the only difference was the personality and colors. "Who are you? And who are they?!" the brunette screeched in confusion.

What confused him even more was the sudden look of horror on his doubles face when he seen the man. It confused him mainly because the man looked 100% harmless and worried. "No! He doesn't have to go unless he wants to!" Dipper yelled confidently, causing his double to scowl. "Fine. Have it your way." he lifted up his hand, grasping the amulet around his neck before firing. Bill pushed them both out of the way in time. The two might have been safe from the blow, but Bill was shoved backwards into a tree before loosing consciousness.

"Bill!" the blue haired man scurried to his side to make sure he was okay. "Great! Look what you did, Dipper!" the female yelled at her twin. "I didn't expect him to-"

"Shut up and get a move on!" she harshly shoved her brother into a two-dimensional swirling circle of multiple colors. "We will be back." she warned before stepping in and shutting off the portal.

That's when everything went back to it's original color, and rain started pouring from above. Dipper stood there, continuing to stare at the spot his evil double once was. "D-dipper!" the man called from beside Bill. The brunette turned around and waited for what he had to say. "Help me.. Please?" he begged with worry written all over his face. "Who are you?" Dipper took a few steps backwards. The man gulped and stared at Bill. "I'm Will." he stated simply, now putting the blonde over his shoulders and standing up. "Help me." he repeated, but this time he put more confidence in it. "Okay. But who is he?" Dipper gestured to the man over Will's shoulder. He looked at the unconcious 'human' over his shoulder, then back at the brunette as he sighed. "If I tell you, y-you won't help me." he stuttered.

Dipper wanted to say, "depends on who it is" but it sounded a bit.. Rude. The man looked human, so he must've been. But everything he has seen over the past few years has made him quite untrusting about looks. And Mabel could agree. Dipper knew he had to help this stranger, no matter who it was. Besides, Dipper thought he was cute. So why not? "I'll help if you promise you aren't a bunch of gnomes or a shapeshifter." he decided.

"Deal!" he shouted with his free hand out for the brunette to shake, who squinted suspiciously up at the man before shaking his hand. Both of their hands caught up in blue flames, and Will's eyes glowed yellow. "I'm flattered for you to think that I'm cute, Pinetree. I do a good impression of my brother, William here," he patted the demons back and smirked evilly. Dipper went to say something like "what are you doing here?" but before he could, Bill cut him off. "Ah, ah, ah! You agreed to help me! And I don't think I will ever genetically change into goblins. Wait- am I technically a shape shifter?" his eyes widened and he looked worried once again. "No, Bill. You aren't a shape shifter. And I'm only helping Will!"


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