Chapter 12

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Dipper woke up, absolutely freezing. He looked over to see that he was alone once more in his bed. As the teen was about to call for the dream demon, he sneezed. "Bill made me sick again!" he accused before snuggling deeper under the covers. "Did not!" he heard a faint voice from downstairs, followed by tapping every half a second until the door burset open and a flash of blond was all the boy could see.

Dipper was tackled to the bed as the blond hugged him tightly. "You're awake! You sleep forever, Pinetree." he snuggled into his chest, causing the brunette to giggle. "They bought hair dye and we dyed our hair back to our original colors." Bill informed him. "Great. Just as I was getting used to it." he complained, trying to pry Bill's arms off and failing.
"Let go."
"I missed you."
"I missed you, too, but I-"
"Cipher. Get off."
"Make me."
"Bill, lean up." the brunette instructed, and the demon did as he was told. Dipper wrapped his legs tightly around Bill's waist. "Oooh~ so s- AAAAAHH!" the demon yelled as he was flipped over onto his back. "The turns have tabled."

Dipper ran out of the room laughing while the blond was stumbling to catch the brunette. "That was payback! Y-you don't- you d-don't have the right!" he choked on his laughter as he sat on the rail of the stairs, sliding down almost as quick as the demon had one day. "Wait!" the brunette slid off of the rail as he stumbled into the counter, squeaking when he felt something practically bumping into his back and wrapping their arms around him. "Gotcha!" the dream demon said proudly, throwing the teen over his shoulder. "Bill! Put me down." he demanded. "Give me one good reason."
"Give me one good reason." Dipper crossed his arms, looking at the back of the demons head. "Because I like the view."
"Cipher, put my nephew down and stop flirting with him." Stan grumbled from the stove, making Stan-cakes.

"C'mon, Fez! I'm just getting him back for what he did." Bill chuckled and started walking up the stairs with the teen still on his shoulder. "I hope I fall." Dipper groaned before sneezing. "You sneeze like a kitten!" the blond tilted his head back and laughed. "S-shut up!" he sniffled, lying his head down on the demons back, more like letting it fall onto his back. "Lil Pinetree's too tired for school today?"

Dipper replied with a groan and tried squirming into a more comfortable position before being lied down onto a bed. "I'm cold." the brunette complained from under the covers. "I can't help you, Pinetree." he sighed and started walking out, leaving the teen alone.

          Just as he was about to doze off into a much needed sleep, Bill barged in with a plate of Stancakes and sat at the end of the bed. "Fez said that you could stay off today." he said bluntly, handing the plate to the teen. "Luckily, my test is tomorrow and not today."
"You know what this means?"
"I GET TOO ANNOY YOU TODAY!" the dream demon exclaimed happily.

          The brunette stared at him for a moment, then blinked. He took the stack of Stancakes from the dream demon and practically inhaled one. Bill stared at him for a moment, with his mouth open. He tried saying something, but no words could explain how he felt after watching a teen use his lungs to consume a pancake. "I'm disturbed and impressed. Impressed, but disturbed nonetheless."
"You're one to talk."

           It went on that way for the rest of the day, just waiting for something that's exrtrodinary to happen, like it does any other day. The fact that absolutely nothing happened that day, made the day special, yet frustratingly more stressful for those expecting a disaster to unfold.

It's a short chapter but I had to post something after being dead for the past month.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2018 ⏰

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