I was sitting on the incredibly comfy purple sofa enjoying watching the NBA game this season was great I haven't missed a single game since I started watching it three years ago. I was eating a very tasty fruit winder out of the way of Justin thankfully he's so annoyed I never actually realized how annoying he was until I got stuck on a tour bus with him.
"Mel?" I herd Justin's husky voice ring throughout the bus.
"What?" I yelled back annoyed that he's interupting my precious NBA game.
"Come here a sec please." Urgh! I groaned I don't want to miss part of my game because of him...seriously. I sighed and launched my self off of the sofa using a dramatic tone quickly making my way to the bedroom not wanting to miss loads of my game. I stood leaning against the door frame one eye brow raised pissed off.
"Yeah?" I asked again.
"Woah there are you eating a fruit winder?" He asked using a sad tone of voice. I shrugged and continued eating.
"I want" He whinned acting like a four year old it reminded me of what I used to act like when I was little.
"Maybe you should check whats in the cupboards before you set off then doppy." I said placing the last of the fruit winder in my mouth abruptly walking straight into the bedroom picking up my phone off of charge holding it in my hand.
"Melody?" Justin's voice rang again I knew he was going to be wanting something.
"Nope" I walked away leaving him in the bedroom.
I herd Justin get up from the bed trailing his way behind me as I pulled another fruit winder out of the sweet jar mom had hiden in the cupboard, I watched Justin lay on the back of the sofa and when I walked past him the fruit winder hit his head whilst I made my way safley into the bedroom picking out some bed time shorts and a tank top.
It made me thankfull Justin hadn't walked in whilst I was getting changed actually since that would have made things even more awkward and even more embaracing for both of us and poor little Kenny. Justin had now come back into the bedroom whinning once again in realization of what he had just missed, me getting changed.
"Awe that sucks" He smirked that stupid little smirk that makes me want to smack him.Hey there's always a second time for things. I laughed to myself about the thought of smacking him again I know it sounds mean but come on he's a jerk.
Once I had left the bedroom I made my way back to the sofa where the NBA game was still playing it just so happened I had missed most of the game but I still continued to watch it anyway since it seemed like a pretty good game. My eyes were practically glued to the television spacing me out so far I hadn't noticed Justin laying on the opposite coach.
'Kiss me slowly...'
My phone was ringing and I'm sure I had left it on the sofa after getting Justin ad fruit winder, I followed the noise realizing Justin had the phone in his hand. I sighed asking myself if he really has to be this much of a pain in the ass.
"Give" I asked putting my hand out in front of him waiting for the phone.
"No I don't think I will" This was getting beyond ridiculous now. I reached to get the phone out of his hand out he pulled his hand back out of the way so I couldn't reach the phone.
"JUSTIN!" I whinned making him laugh.
"Yeah?" He asked on purpose to annoy me.
"It could be important." I watched him check the caller ID in confusion he turned his head to me.
"Why is Selena calling you?" He asked which made me wonder the same thing I mean it could be my Selena as in my cousin.
"Your Selena?" I asked out of complete confusion.