Chapter VIII - On the 12th day of Christmas...

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"You won't believe what happened today!", started Kurt when he opened the door and stepped aside for Barry who just laughed while stepping inside and shook his head.

Kurt closed the door behind him and waited for an answer from the other.

"I saw your Christmas special! You looked hot, even only in black and white.", he smirked and put off hat, scarf, jacket and shoes.

"I didn't mean that, but thank you. I mean what happened around that special. Finn bought Rachel a star -so sweet, i hope Blaine thought of something similar for me (Barry scoffed silently behind him)- Quinn and Sam sang at a homeless shelter and also served food. We came after the show to help them. it was a great day and now you are hear to celebrate Christmas with us like old times and-"

"Hey, hey, hey, Kurt breath. I don't want to spent today in a hospital 'cause you're too excited to see me.", Barry laughed but stopped abruptly.

"Shit... This Finn guy lives here too, right. Wonderful, now I have to be nice."

Groaning he and Kurt went to the kitchen.

"Aw, c'mon. You are a nice person. Maybe a bit Sebastian-like, but I am totally blaming your uncle for that."
"A: Sebastian-like, really? B: We're blaming my uncle pretty often for things I'm doing. Come we stop that for today. It's Christmas Eve!"

And with those words he stepped into the kitchen.

"Damn right you are, kid!", greeted Burt and welcomed him with a hug, "Ah, it's good to see you again."

"It's good to see you again too, Burt. Missed your hugs."

They parted and now Finn stood in front of him and held out his hand for Barry to shake.

"Yeah, I can imagine. Hi, I'm Finn."

"Barry Allen. Nice meeting you."

"See? Told you.", said Kurt who had started helping Carol with the food even though she stood next to her son instead of cutting onions.

"Told him what?", asked Burt but didn't let either of them answer, because realization made his eyes grow big, "Oh no, if you're starting with your insiders again, I'm leaving!"

Both of them started grinning devilish but didn't say anything.

"Okay, I think I don't even want to know what this is about. Hello, I'm Carol."


They both were smiling as they shook hands and didn't loose those when they let go.

"So, I think you guys should go to the living room while I'm finishing our dinner.", suggested Carol and looked stern but with a smile at Kurt when he tried to disagree.

"No Kurt, I can manage that. Go, talk to your friend. You have a lot to catch up, don't you?"

"Not that much that I-", Kurt tried again but got interrupted by Barry: "I don't think you are going to help her. Now come, I want to defeat you in Mario Kart again."

It seemed pretty convincing then Kurt looked up to Barry and grinned.

"Again?", he asked lifting an eyebrow, "When was the last time you won?"

"Uh, when we played the last time?"

"I let you win because you were leaving. Thought I let you be at least happy for something."

"Pah, you just don't want to admit that I'm better then you."

"Okay, we're going to see who is better."

And with this, both of them and Finn ran to the console, threw themselves on the couch in front of the TV and started their very serious game of shouting, laughing, pushing and more shouting.

"That wasn't fair! You cheated, Kurt! You definitely cheated! I could have won this round."

Barry looked angry at him but couldn't hold his smile back for long.

"Oh yeah? I cheated? And was what that the last round where you kicked away my controller?!"

"I said sorry and paused the game until you got him back! But you just pressed all my keys!"

"For a second!"

"Guys. Guys! Stop, calm down, it's just a game.", Finn said trying to calm their little fight down that seemed to get pretty intense but they both ignored him.

"Don't even bother trying.", Burt said, suddenly, coming into the room, "This might help more: Guys, dinner is ready. You can fight after it!"


Barry jumped up like a Meerkat and looked happy like he got a really cool pre-Christmas present.

Kurt and his father laughed at the well known appearance of Barry and the word (or any definition of) food.

That that guy was still as thin as he was, is a miracle.

They laid down their controllers and made their way to the long table; many bowls and plates filled with delicious looking food.

"Wow, Carol. That smells amazing!", complimented Barry sitting down next to Kurt and smiled at her.

"Thank you. I hope it taste as good as it smells.", she giggled.

"I'm sure of that."

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