Chapter XX -a Hug 'n Talk

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The hug felt warm and reassuring for both of them. Barry hadn't noticed it but he felt a bit concerned about Kurts well being with all those bullies in his school. This was also the first time they had physical contact after the Nationals. It was about a week! Barry didn't like to be so far away from Kurt for such a "long" time. And he couldn't help but feel a little bit relieved that Kurt wouldn't go into another state so soon.

Kurts tears slowly dried out and he lifted his head to smile at Barry.

"Are you feeling better now?", he asked and Kurt nodded and yawned. "Seems like crying is tiring."

"Yeah, seems so. I think I should go... The Warblers are waiting for you."

"Naah, they're fine without me. We can talk if you want? Doesn't even have to be about that subject. Just... other stuff."

"Very specific."

"Shut up."

They laughed and finally Barry knew that Kurt was really feeling better. Then he heard some shuffling and steps outside the door and grumbled: "Oh, I can't believe those jerks. Excuse me, I have to murder someone."

They both then heard a quite "Shit, shit, go, go, go!" and loud, running steps that quickly grew quieter.

Barry jumped up and ran after them but couldn't reach them before they reached the club room.

"You should have seen that!", said Nick, trying to catch his breath.

"It was sooo cu-", squealed Jeff.

"Say that word out loud and you won't experience the next day.", Barry growled behind them.

"Awww, but Sebastian! It was cute! You and Kurt cuddling. You looked like you actually were boyfriends!"

"But we're not! He still loves Blaine and a quick hug won't change that.", he said, disgust in his voice as he spoke the name.

"When that was 'quick' I don't want to know what a long hug would mean."

"How long have you two been watching us?"

They grinned apologetic. "Since the beginning."

Barry groaned again but before he could say anything else, he heard Kurts laughter from behind him.

"You should have thought of that, Bas. I mean, they are still Nick and Jeff."

"Kurt!" "Hey!" "What are you doing here?" "How are you?" "Are you feeling better now?"

He suddenly was hugged by the blonde and brunette while the others shouted greetings and questions at him.

"Woah! Guys, guys. I'm fine really. I feel better now, really.", he answered them and patted his huggers on the back.

"Yeah, we know. But a hug too much is better then a hug too less."

"I can't argue with that logic. Oh how I missed you guys!" He now hugged them now tight too.

"We missed you too!"

Kurt then had to hug everyone else of course except for the newbies. He just said hi to them and they greeted him and told Kurt their names smiling.

All of them then sat on the couches or on the floor in a kind-of-circle and talked for a bit.

"So, I guess you accepted Ba-s (Kurt nearly forgot the secret he had to keep but he could get it right before anyone noticed) back as your team captain?"

Trent sighed.

"Just because it takes too long for us to choose a new captain and he is on probation."

"And? How are you doing?", Kurt now asked turning his head to Barry who sat on the floor next to him and smiled a bit.

Barry shrugged. "I think I'm on a good way? They at least don't flinch when I say 'hi' to them. Yes, I noticed."

The others stiffed up and looked at each other more or less discretely.

"Guys, it's fine. I would do the same."

Everyone looked at him in surprise.

"R-really?", Jeff asked sitting across of them next to Trent and Nick.

"Yes and I am truly sorry you felt like that."

Oh god, could you please stop apologizing?", Kurt groaned.

"What? I am not talking to you right now."

"Yeah, but this word out of your mouth is getting really annoying after some time. Seriously, I have heard that so many times over the past few weeks!"

Barry opened his mouth but Kurt interrupted him. "No, don't even think about apologizing for apologizing too much."

"Now you finally know how that felt.", Barry smirked up to him in a slightly Sebastian-ish manner.

Kurt was confused. Then he realized.

"You-you really..."

"Yes, I waited for the right moment for what you did to me and got my pay back." Barry grinned.

"Okay, you know what guys? Kick him out. This was just a little example of how much revenge this guy wants. When he had to move away, we came into a similar "sorry-stop saying sorry-sorry" situation and this was his revenge. No wonder you threw rock salt at Blaine when you thrust after revenge for such small things!"

Barry looked up to Kurt with his mouth open before he threw up his arms and shouted: "That was an accident and I apologized enough for that! Stop bringing it up all the time!"

Kurt though just smiled and then stuck out his tongue, winking.

"You're a jerk, you know that?", Barry grumbled realizing that Kurt was mocking him.

"I learned that from you."

"Oh shut up."

Everyone began to laugh again. Kurt looked at Barry and smiled. He smiled back. They were so thankful for each other to be there in this moment. Kurt because he needed to laugh a bit after he was not accepted into NYADA and Barry for helping him with his glee club and friends seeing that there is some good in him and not only this made up, smirking Sebastian guy that no one knew about having a different identity which was completely and utterly different from this one.

Barry narrowed his eyes. Was he ever going to be that person again? Clearly he was never going to be as childish as his 14 year old self but would he ever get so kind again? Would he eventually get fully rid of Sebastian? Of his egocentric, cocky, jerk-like self?

He sighed but no one heard it over the chatting and laughing. He probably would never get rid of it...

He glanced at Kurt. This beautiful, wonderful, gorgeous, astonishing, extraordinary person that he was allowed to call his friend. He didn't deserve such a guy but he was still happy Kurt was there.


On the other side of the not-really-circle Jeff grinned, hit his friend lightly with his elbow and whispered: "Look at Sebastian! He has such a big crush on Kurt! It's so cute."

"Pssscht! He doesn't want anyone to know!"

"Yeah, yeah. Sorry."

Nick rolled his eyes and shook his head. Jeff was such an idiot. But it was cute. He smiled to himself.

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