Chapter 3

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Flashback on chapter 2:

"Ah, sis I forgot to introduce him to you. His name is Kyle, Kyle Richardson. He is the son of a royal family..."

"Okay....- why is there a prince in our house?"

"He was my childhood friend when we were young..."

"He what!?!" As I ask in shock, Kyle began to chuckle. Davin walked over to Kyle.

"What are you chuckling about over here Kyle?"

He darted his eyes, as if he hadn't chuckled from the beginning. As the room got quiet, my mother started yelling from below.


We laughed, as we heard my mother yelling.

The next morning, I woke up earlier than ever. It was because of some nightmare I've been having since a few weeks ago... a nightmare I could never forget...

I can still imagine it now. A nightmare about how one day, I would get married to a stranger that I don't know.

I didn't like the idea of getting married yet. Even though I'll get married in like 3-2 years because of parents who need me to pass on the generation of the family.

I can imagine what my parents would do if I had a baby, they would spoil it. As I kept imagining things, there was a knock at my door.

•Knock Knock•

"Who is it?"

"It's me, Brandon"

"Oh, then come in."

As my brother entered the room, I could tell he was pissed (rather than his usual energized self).

"What's the matter? You seem rather pissed today."

"I'm just kinda pissed at Davin..."

Confused, I began to wonder why he would be pissed at Davin, so I started to ask questions.

"What did Davin do to you?"

"Well, you see, yesterday, I was playing rock, paper, scissors... and you see I lost and now I have to carry the shopping bags..."

"And you don't like it don't you?"

"Of course! I hate it! Anyways today is the day I have to do some carrying. Now get up, we're going shopping."


As Brandon left the room, I hesitated to go to the restroom to do my "morning routine" so that I wouldn't keep my brothers waiting. 10 minutes passed and I walked down the stairs. I saw my three brothers and the royal prince.

"Is he- coming with us?"

I asked trying to stay as far from him as possible.

"Is that a problem sis?" Davin asked.

"No, I just thought it'd be just brothers and sister..."

"Well you see, I actually didn't even want to come, however, Davin wouldn't stop yelling through the phone, so I had to come..."


As the atmosphere became tense, John interrupted with his cowboy act.

"Well folks, are y'all gonna sit here and do nothing or we gonna head out through that door, and do some shopping huh?"

We quickly hurried out the door, to get away from the awkwardness. We arrived at the store and walked inside.

We scanned through the store and took what we needed. However as I saw Brandon carrying the shopping bags, I decided to help him.

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