Mission Fack

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Finns POV:

I felt awful. Even though it wasn't my fault. The look on Jacks face when he saw Noah kissed me. I needed to explain to Jack what happened, so i pulled out my phone and started texting Jack.

Finn: Jack
Read 5:16
Finn: Jack I swear it wasn't what it looked like
Read 5:17
Finn: Please Jack, answer me
Read 5:17

I knew Jack wasn't going to answer me any time soon. I decided to text the losers.

Finn added: Jaeden, Wyatt, Sophia,Chosen,Jeremy to the group

Finn: Hey guys
Wyatt: Hey
Sophia: wait why isn't Jack in the chat?
Finn: guys i messed up
Jaeden: wdym
Finn: me and my dad got into a fight, so I went to the park. I saw Noah and didn't feel like talking to him so I walked past him and he came up behind me. Then he turned me around and kissed me. I tried pushing him off but I couldn't. Jack walked up to me and saw Noah kiss me. Jack looked like he was going to cry and he ran away. I went back to Noah and told him off.
Jeremy: wow
Chosen: ^
Wyatt: wait does that mean Noah has feelings for you?
Finn: I guess so
Jaeden: has anyone talked to Jack ever since that happened?
Finn: I tried texting him to explain what happened but he kept leaving me on read.
Jaeden: I'll try talking to him.
Finn: thanks Jae

3rd person POV:

Jaeden: Hey Jack
Jack: hey jae
Jaeden: I heard what happened
Jack: I don't wanna talk about it
Jaeden: are you okay?
Jack: no
Jaeden: I'm coming over

Jacks POV:

Jaeden arrived within a matter of minutes. "Oh Jack" he said as he came in and gave me a bear hug. "Are you okay?" He said once again. "YEAH JAE, I SAW MY BOYFRIEND KISSING ANOTHER BOY BUT IM FUCKING PEACHY" I said, then started sobbing, I couldn't help it. Tears just kept coming out of my eyes. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have snapped at you, you were only trying to help" I said to him. "It's okay, I don't blame you for being angry" Jaeden said.

3rd person POV:

Jaeden wanted to cheer Jack up so he suggested watching a movie. They finished watching the movie and Jaeden ordered pizza. Jack and Jaeden ate their pizza and jack said "thank you Jaeden". "Oh no problem, the pizza was only 9 dollars" Jaeden said. Jack laughed "Not for the pizza silly, for cheering me up". "That's what best friends do" Jaeden said as he got up. "I should get going, you gonna be okay?" Jaeden said. "Yeah I'll be fine" Jack said. "Okay, bye" Jaeden said as he hugged Jack and walked out the door.

Jaedens POV:

I made it my mission to get Fack back together. I pulled out my phone and texted the losers (except jack and finn)

Jaeden added Wyatt, Sophia, and 2+ others to the group

Jaeden renamed the group #MissionFack

Jaeden: guys this is emergency fack I repeat, emergency Fack
Wyatt: what's happening
Sophia: did they make up?
Jaeden: no, jack is still angry
Chosen: what are we supposed to do?
Jeremy: maybe we should let them work it out themselves?
Jaeden: nope we ain't going that, we need a plan
Sophia: what's the plan?
Wyatt: meet in 10?
Jaeden: yeah where?
Wyatt: Lakeview park
Sophia: I'll be there

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