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Uhh after being told I should, I'm now posting some of my recent  poems

Number 1:

The kids in the back
Pretending they're fine
That nothing's wrong
They're just always cold
And anyways, their smiles are so real.
The girl in the front
You know,
The nice one with good grades
Everyone loves her
And she's always so nice
How could she,
Of all people
Be hurt inside?
The lonely ones.
Lonely in a crowd,
Lonelier alone.
Where our thoughts
Keep us awake
And our tears and screams go unnoticed.
The ones who hide pain with more pain
And smother our feelings
Until we can't anymore
And the pain
And tears
And the loneliness that made us hurt first
Come out
But we are alone
Like always
And the voices get stronger
The hatred forced upon us
For so long
Seeped into the cracks in our skulls
And became part of us,
Forcing the pain deeper
Making our own thoughts turn against us,
And so now we fight ourselves
For control
Because now the judging eyes are worse then ever
And the thoughts consume us
And our brains are gone
They have left us defenseless,
And powerless
And we are used to it
Because that's how we feel in our own heads
Every second of the day

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