Chapter Seven

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Thoughts on the story so far? Is it too soon for favorite characters?

Please keep in mind that the chapters so far have just been a build up to the main plot of the story; one of the main characters still hasn’t been introduced. But he will be…very, very, very soon.

Comments/votes/fans would put a massive smile on my face, so, if you like, you know what to do ;)

Anyways, enough of my ramblings :) Enjoy!

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Chapter Seven

 “So you’re absolutely sure you’ll be okay here by yourself?” Layla asked, causing me to jump in shock.

"Stop doing that, Layla! You know it scares the crap outta me!" I cried, placing a hand over my thumping heart.

"Sorry," she said insincerely. I rolled my eyes. "Now answer my question," Layla demanded rather impatiently whilst pacing back and forth around our my bedroom.

“Yes, for the hundredth time, yes!” I wailed, giving her an impatient look. “Now shoo!”

"Fine, fine! I'm going!" she snapped, clearly irritated, flinging her hands in the air with frustration. "But just let me get ready first and give me your opinion once I'm changed, okay?" I nodded in response, allowing her to drag me towards her bedroom. "And be nice," she added, turning around to give me a serious look.

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“You have got to be kidding me!”

What? You don’t like it?”

I gave her a disgusted look. “Was that supposed to be a serious question?”

I really hoped it wasn’t.

“Why? What's wrong with it?” Layla asked, stomping her foot like a toddler.

I coughed, before asking with a raised eyebrow, “What on earth even is 'it'?!”

'It’ is my outfit for tonight,” Layla answered grumpily.

“Yes, I guess I must have already figured that out before, idiot! What I meant to ask was why the hell you are wearing 'it'?

"Stop calling my dress 'it'! You're starting to piss me off, Isla, and it’s not helping right now!" she snapped, huffing angrily.

I rolled my eyes. "Just answer my question," I replied, copying her statement from earlier on.

She groaned, stomping her foot on the ground. “Connor,” she growled in explanation.

I raised an eyebrow. “What, did Connor put you up to this?”

“Yes,” she grumbled trying to lift the skirt further up her legs.

“What a dashing, loving boyfriend he is,” I snorted, unable to stop a wide smirk from spreading across my face.

The expression followed from Layla didn’t help whatsoever, but simply aided in tears forming in my eyes as I started laughing uncontrollably. “He's a genius! You look like a granny!”

Layla groaned loudly. “THIS ISN'T FUNNY, ISLA!” Wiping my tears of laughter away, I grabbed hold of her hands to help me as I slid onto her bed, unstable on my feet as I continued laughing hysterically. “Connor’s gonna be pissed off if I change," she whined. "I told him I liked this outfit he bought me.”

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