Theory the Third: In Which Wanda Revives the Dead

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Wanda is extremely overpowered in the comics. She changed the entire world and everyone in it in House of M (with some coaxing) and depowered most of the world's mutants simply by uttering, "No more mutants" killing a few in the process. She made herself pregnant by sheer force of will. She has also been able to raise the dead. She brought Simon Williams a.k.a. Wonder Man back from the dead, first in astral form then in living flesh.

Wanda's powers are not quite so strong in the MCU but she killed all of the Ultrons. That power boost was charged by the grief of her twin brother, Pietro's death. After that, she had much more confidence in and control over her abilities. Her pain and grief gave her strength. It would make sense that if/when Vision dies, Wanda will get a similar power boost. I doubt she would be able to kill Thanos by herself, especially as he amasses Infinity Stones, but she may be able to stun him. An upgrade to Wanda's powers would make it possible for her to revive Vision, especially if she has access to nearly any one of the stones. Given the proper circumstance, Pietro could also be revived, although that would cheapen his (stupid) death.

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