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I hurried up and shot Nero a text telling him to keep quiet. Yuri's scary ass talking about I done fucked up now🙄 she don't even know that I was the Mastermind. Nero got the text before anyone even spoke.
  "Yay let me talk to you in private." Nero said
  "Hell no. Whatever yo sheisty ass gotta say to her you can say it in front of me." Yuri spat
  'look bitch, mind your business because you don't know what's going on." Ju said to Yuri
  "My sister told me everything and yall bogus as hell. Teece ain't never did shit to none of us." Yuri said crying
  "Oh she told you everything? Even the part about her killing him? When we got there Teece was dead. Yay beat the man to death with a patron bottle." Nero said.
My mouth dropped. I couldn't believe his bitch ass. As quick as he snitched to Yuri was as quick as he would snitch to a cop. He had to go. There was no way I was doing time for this shit. Once the shock wore off I snapped.
  "You bitch ass nigga what y'all come over here for?" I let y'all have half of everything we took so what's the problem?"
  "Where is the money you took Yay? We need a cut." Ju said
  "Y'all not getting shit. I gave yall what y'all earned now get the fuck out of here." I said
  "Yay, you really gonna be like that? Bet!" Nero said and they left. After the guys left, I sat Yuri down n told her the whole story.
  "Yay, why? He was like family to us." Yuri said
  "Family? Was he family when he had his dick in your mouth? Was he family when Yu fucked him for all that shit he bought you? Right bitch now get over here and help me count this money." I snapped at Yuri. She knew damn well she didn't care about Teece. She was so dramatic, crying all those tears until we were done counting the money. we totaled a little over $7000. I gave Yuri $3500 and kept the rest. Her ass was cheesing then.Now all we had to do was figure out what to do with all these drugs. I could have given it all to Nero nem but they won't give me the numbers I request so fuck them. I'll handle this shit myself. I know Yuri probably hate me right now but that's my sister and I know she got my back.

I couldn't believe Yayla. My very own sister. My best friend had become a murderer. And for what? A few thousand dollars and some drugs. I hated Yay right now. Teece still has a little sister and brother and now they have no one again. Yay really fucked me up with this one. How could she? I hope she knows I'll never look at her the same. Not even sure if I can trust her. What's really crazy is yay been in love with Teece since we were kids. I just can't see her doing this to him. It had to be a reason and I'mma find out. After we were done counting the money, yay gave me $3500 and told me it was mine to keep. I was happy because I saw this givenchy dress and I finally had enough for it and maybe the scarf too. My mind shifted back to Teece, I can't believe he's gone. I'm truly going to miss him. I stayed up talking to Yay about everything and she was really pissing me off. Yay had no remorse. She even told me that if she get caught up, I should  take the rap for her. I was seeing another side of Yay that I wasn't ready for. By this time the sun was coming out and the birds were chirping. I slipped on some jogging pants and sneakers and grabbed my coat and car keys.
"Where the fuck you going so early?" Yay asked
"Breakfast with Kelly." I said
"Oh. well keep your mouth shut Yuri, you don't wanna say the wrong thing. Nobody hadn't said anything about finding Teece dead yet so be cool." Yay said
"I'm not gonna say anything bitch. I'll be back later. I kissed yay on the forehead and ran up the stairs and out the door. I drove around for about an hour before I actually went to my destination. I parked my car, said a prayer and walked through the doors to the big desk at the front.
"Hello, how may we help you today?" The nice lady said
"Hi, I'm Yuri Dobine and I'd like to report a murder.

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