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Once I said that I was there to report a murder, the lady called someone to the front and told me to sit and wait. I started getting scared and stood up to leave when I saw 2 officers pointing in my direction. I turned my back and started to walk away until one called my name.
"Ms. Dobine!" He called
I turned around and smiled
"Is there something you want to tell us?"
  "No, I thought I did but no thank you." I said walking away as fast as I could. Before I made it to the door, a woman officer stopped me and asked was everything ok. I told her yes and ran right out the door. As bad as I wanted to tell everything I knew, I just couldn't tell on Yay no matter how much respect I lost for her. When I got outside, I saw Nero and Ju. When they saw me, they tried to act like they were just walking pass. I called them to me so I could fill them out.
"Whats up y'all?" I asked slyly.
"What's up Yuri, what you doing down here?" Nero asked
"Came to get my funds from this lil trick. What y'all doing here?"
"Nothing" they said simultaneously.
"Oh well love y'all see y'all later." I said
I walked off and pulled out my iPhone and called Yayla.
"Hello?" She answered
"Yay get dressed and be ready to come right outside. I have to tell you something and I can't tell you over the phone." I said
"Yuri stop being so paranoid but I'm about to get up now see you in a few."
Yayla was laughing but I didn't see shit funny. I knew for sure Nero and Ju were about to tell and I had to get to my sister. When I made it to the house, our mama was sitting in the living room changing channels on the TV.
"Hey ma" I said
"Hey RiRi". Let me ask you something. What was Yayla up to last night?"
My body got so hot
"What you mean ma?" I asked
"I saw y'all last night, so what was it yall was getting out the trunk?" And don't lie to me."
Mama was nosy as hell. We barely got away with shit because for some reason she knew everything. I never lie to mama, but I couldn't tell her what we brung in her house either so I lied.
"Oh that wasn't nothing but the stuff for yay's party." I lied.
"Umm hmph." Said mama
She know I'm lying but I don't care I hurried up and went down to our room. When I got to the room and saw what yay was watching on TV my heart broke. Right there on our tv was a picture of Teece with the headline 18 year old found dead. I couldn't believe it and I was seeing it with my own eyes. I looked over at Yay and she was smiling from ear to ear.
"Seriously Yay? You're laughing? What the fuck is so funny? The fact that YOU killed our friend? The police coming for you." I said
"Lighten up bitch, he's gone he can't say who did this to him. We cleaned up real good and burned everything. Trust me Yuri Our secret is safe."
"WHY are you steady saying US and OUR? I didn't do this Yay, you did! You will not make me apart of this."
"Bitch you ARE Apart of this. YOU helped me bring the stolen drugs in, you helped me count the money, you have the stolen money in your possession dumb ass. You know everything so that means you're an accessory AFTER the fact. You know sometimes I wish you used your brain as much as you use that stale ass pussy." Yay stated
With tears in my eyes, I said "Nero and Ju at the station telling right now."
"How do you know?" She asked
"I was down there. I went to see a friend and saw them. Why else would they be there?" I said.
Yay just stood there looking lost.
"Say something Yay!" I said
As soon as Yayla was about to speak, the doorbell rang and we heard mama call our names Yuri Sade Dobine and Yayla Sherree Dobine GET Y'ALL ASSES UP HERE NOW.

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