Chapter 22 - Something To Tell You

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"What has four eyes but can't see?" Jin asks. We are sitting in a little café in Korea the day before school starts. The six of us have come out to breakfast before the shuffling happens.

"A blind guy wearing glasses," Sam responds. Everyone gives her the look of why would you say that? I begin to chuckle under my breath. To me Sam's answer is very entertaining.

"Well now we know both our girls have a slightly twisted humour, Jungkook," Jimin says after noticing me giggling.

"What? It was a funny answer," I argue. Sam gives me a high five and I take it flawlessly.

"The actual answer is Mississippi," Jin says quietly.

"Awe buddy, did I ruin your joke?" Sam teases.

"Yah! Don't call me buddy, I'm 3 years older than you," Jin complains. Sam sticks her tongue out.

Sam are you sure you're ready to be a parent?

Jungkook stands up and takes my hand.

"We're going to go pay for the food, we'll see you in a bit," Jungkook says and he and I walk off the pay the bill. I finally notice how pretty the café is. It has plants in the entrance .The café itself is very old fashioned, with grey-blue cabinets full of pretty bowls and plates and red and white checkered table clothed that are on each table. Jungkook stretches his back as we wait for the queue to pay to go down. It is weird being back in Korea. Everything feels too familiar. That's when I heard it. The most familiar it can get to me. Kim Taehyung's voice.

"Hello," he says as a girl reaches the table he's sitting at. I grab Jungkook and we duck down behind where they are.

"I have something to tell you," the girl says.

"Na-yu?" I say in shock. Jungkook quickly covers my mouth.

"About what?" Tae asks. Na-yu gets out something from her bag. Loads of pieces of paper.
"What are these?" Tae asks.

"Turn then over and see," she requests. Tae flips the pictures over. They're all pictures of me and Jungkook.

"What?" Tae says angrily. "She's been cheating on me. With my brother?" Na-yu gets a final piece if paper out.

"Yes," she says softly. He flips the paper over and both anger and sadness taken over his face. He lays the paper down on the table. It's a picture of Jungkook and I kissing from the day I got my tattoo. I gasp. I feel betrayed. Jungkook feels annoyed.

"I don't believe you," Tae yells slamming his hands on the table. "She wouldn't do this. She loves me."

"But the evidence says other wise," Na-yu says pushing a particular image towards him. It's the image of Jungkook and I in America at Namjoknd party.
"Let me ask you Tae," Na-yu says softly. "Where was Jungkook this holiday?"

"In America," he answers slowly.

"And where was your girlfriend?" Na-yu pressures.

"In America," Tae says. The realisation hits him. "Are you saying they were together?"

"What do you think?" She questions, placing her hands on his.

"No," he says. "She wouldn't do that. She knows I love her." I feel guilt seeping in from every angle.

"She did," Na-yu says. "She's done worse than just kiss him though."

"What?" Tae says in shock. Na-yu gets a little recording device out of her pocket and presses play.

"I went to Tae's house today to him about the fact we had sex," the voice recorder says. It's my voice. Tae can't say anything, tears begin to roll down his face.

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