Chapter 27- Surprise

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3 Years Later

It's been a while since I've been to Seoul. It's been a while since I've spoken to my friends. It's been a while since I've seen Jungkook.

I feel two large arms wrap around my shoulders. My head is snuggled my his chin.

"What are you up to?" He asks me.

"Just texting Ru-Ri we're about to reach Seoul," I explain. I give him a quick peck on the lips and receive an adorable smile in return.

"I'm glad I'll finally be able to meet her," he says taking my hand. "So who else do I get to meet?" He rests his head on my shoulder.

"My friends and their child," I mention, speaking of Jimin and Sam. "Except they don't know we're coming to Seoul." He laughs.

"You're just going to surprise them?" He asks me. I nod.

"Of course," I agree. We sit comfortably for the last half an hour of journey. I tell him about my childhood with Ru-Ri. He giggles at the funny things and smiles at the happy things. I avoid the subject of our Fathers.

We pull in at the station and grab our suitcases and head onto the platform. I see two familiar faces waving at me and boyfriend. I quickly grab his hand and rush over to the smiling faces watching us. I begin to run quick, causing the 6ft man to trail behind me. I reach Ru-Ri and we, in sync, wrap our arms round each other. We jump in excitement as I haven't seen her in over 3 years.

"I've missed you," I smile. "How have you been?" She grins widely.

"Well I'm good," she says shrugging slightly as if she doesn't have much to say. I raise my eyebrows and tilt my head knowing she has more to say. "I'll tell you later. However, who is this?" She says pushing herself onto one side of her hip only.

"This is my boyfriend," I tell them smiling up at the floppy haired brunette boy next to me. He pushes his black rimmed glass to the top of his nose as usual when he's awkward. I look over to Ru-Ri and Jin, who are looking at each other worriedly.

"My name's Wong Jae-Yeol," he tells the two. Jae-Yeol has a korean mother and a Chinese father, hence his surname. Ru-Ri takes his outstretched hand and shakes it. She then turns back to me and whispers in my ear.

"Why didn't you tell me you were dating again?" She whispers at me. Then she grabs my hand leading me towards the car with Jin and Jae-Yeol tailing behind us.

We reach the car a little before the boys, so Ru-Ri takes it apon herself to update me on what's happened, but first came a slap to the arm.

"What was that for?" I ask, rubbing my arm. She raises her eyebrows at me.

"What do you think?" She says slightly angrily. "You brought your boyfriend here, you seem to have forgotten, Tae and Jungkook still live here." I put my hands on her shoulders.

"It's been three years," I answer. "I'm sure they've gotten over me." Ru-Ri sighs.

"Still, be careful," she says quietly before climbing into the car.

I know I haven't seen her for a while, but why is she acting so weird.

"And don't go to the park," she warns me. I feel the large familiar hand of Jae-Yeol grab my hand. I turn around and smile at him. We put our things in the back of the car and sit down in the back seats.

"You guys want to go to the café for lunch?" Jin asks. I smile remembering going there the first time with Ru-Ri when she spotted Jin. Ru-Ri agrees for us.

We end up in the same little café as years before and it doesn't seem have changed at all.

"This is cute," Jae-Yeol says as he ducks down under the door frame.

"Like me," I joke poking my cheek with my finger. He rolls his eyes but agrees anyway. "You are too." I smile pouting slightly. He laughs at me. Hold onto his blue flannel shirt as we find a table to sit at.

"How long are you planning to stay?" Jin asks to make conversation as we sit down.

"Only ten days," I tell him. "Then we'll head back." He nods politely.

"You guys want the same as old times?" Ru-Ri asks, taking our order so she can place it. Jin nods but I shake my head.

"How about you catch up with them and I'll order?" Jae-Yeol suggests. "I'm sure you have things to talk about." Ru-Ri agrees quickly before sitting down. She seems uptight; I wonder why.

Jae-Yeol asks us what we wants then wanders off to tell the staff.

"So how's life been?" Ru-Ri asks. I shrug my shoulders.

"I finished my course, so now Jae-Yeol and are looking for somewhere to live into," I explain. "I have a job as a dance instructor at a school." Ru-Ri nods as if she's paying attention.

"That's great," Jin answers. "I can't believe you're moving in with Jae-Yeol, when did you start dating?" I shuffle awkwardly.

"We've been dating for two years," I reply. "I met him the first day when I moved, he helped me learn my way around so we got closer."

"I see," Jin smiles. Jae-Yeol reappears with some drinks in his hands. He puts them in front of each of us.

"I also got another tattoo," I giggle. I stand up to reveal a little heart that almost looks like a mole on my thigh. "Sam would be proud." I chuckle. "Talking of Sam, would it be okay if me and Jae-Yeol visited them after we've eaten." Ru-Ri nods.


We eat fairly quickly then. I want to pull Jae-Yeol out of this awkward situation as quickly as possible. We wave goodbye to Jin and Ru-Ri before rushing down the street. Jae-Yeol can tell something is not right.

"Are you okay?" He asks me checking up as he usually does. "Something seemed tense between you and your friend, Ru-Ri." I nod. "What's up? You can always talk to me." I nod again, not really knowing what to day. I take his hands and start playing with his thumbs.

" It's just," I start. "It's just she didn't want me to bring you here because I've still got exboyfriends that live around here. I know it'll be fine though." He smiles and hugs me.

"Don't worry," he says into my ear. "I'll never let you go. Remember I always be here for you." I smile back. We separate slightly and I kiss him on the cheek. He laughs a little. "It's funny, sometimes I forget I wasn't your first boyfriend."

"But you are the best one," I smile and ruffle his hair. "So you have no need to worry."

After our little exchange, we intertwine our fingers and head towards where I remember Sam and Jimin's house being. It looks no different from the outside, still slightly rundown with and old timey feeling to it, like it doesn't quite fit in. I open the door to the shady looking parlour.

"You're not planning to kill me are you?" Jae-Yeol jokes. I laugh and shake my head.

"Of course not," I disagree. We walk through. I look at the inside decoration. There's Polaroid images of Sam, Jimin and their child strung up on string on the walls. They all looks so happy. It makes me smile. I hear the pitter patter of feet coming down some stairs. I see a pair black flats and black trousers appear. The person turns the corner and I'm greeted by a face that I would know anywhere.

"Look what the cat dragged in," Sam smiles. "But why are you back?"

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