04- Forget It All

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Chapter 4

Louis was fuming. He hated not being able to say anything. He wanted to let his anger out---he wanted to voice it out loud. But he couldn't do it because of his deal with Jerry and the thought of Harry sitting on his lap drove him crazy.

Why couldn't have he gotten a ride with someone else? It was given that Zayn usually gave a ride to everyone but could Harry have not gotten a ride from someone else just this once? Hell, maybe Louis should have caught a ride with someone else. It would've saved him the trouble at least.

Zayn turned up the radio to try and relieve some of the awkwardness and the tension in the air. He could sense the anger and hatred between Louis and Harry. He wanted nothing more than to make both of them happy. He was always stuck in between them and he didn't like it one bit.

He had always wondered why the two never got along. He even asked Louis if there was a proper reason but Louis would only shrug him off. In all honesty, Zayn didn't think the two of them even had a reason to absolutely despise each other.

"So uh, how's the shooting coming along?" Zayn said, trying to make casual conversation, the deadly silence scaring him. No one said anything for a few minutes but then Harry decided to say something.

"It's going fine," Harry stated.

"Yep, just peachy," Louis added, his hot breath tickling Harry's ear, which he most definitely felt.

Harry was pretty sure that Louis wasn't aware of what he was doing. If anyone else were to see, they would have thought Louis was trying to seduce Harry or something, which was ridiculous. Harry brushed it off as a small matter before something in his mind clicked. He knew exactly what to do and he was starting now.

Every time Zayn drove over a bump or a pothole, Louis felt Harry moving in his lap. It wasn't that big of a deal really, until it kept happening. Louis was starting to get a bit uncomfortable which wasn't really his fault because Harry was squirming around on his lap.

He tried to not think of it, which was nearly impossible. Zayn was driving on a flat terrain but for some reason the movement on his lap didn't stop. That was when it hit him. Harry was deliberately grinding on him. It wasn't long before he had a little 'problem.'

"What the fuck do you think you're doing," Louis whispered furiously into Harry's ear, putting his hands on Harry's hips to try and still him.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Harry said innocently.

"You fucking know what I'm talking about. Stop," Louis demanded, feeling aggravated and oh so very frustrated. Harry ignored him as he kept grinding into Louis' lap, adding even more force than before. Louis bit back a moan, not wanting to let Harry do this to him.

He once again put his hands on Harry's waist and forced him to stop.

"I don't think that's a very good idea," He whispered into Harry's ear, blowing hot breath over his neck. He felt Harry take a big gulp and smirked to himself as Harry stopped his actions. That didn't mean that Louis' 'problem' went away.

Louis was still pissed at Harry for even doing it in the first place. He decided to see how far he could take his teasing; give Harry a taste of his own medicine.

Louis placed both his hands around Harry's waist again and started to trace circles on Harry's back with his right hand. Harry tensed, not expecting Louis to do that.

"How does that feel?" Louis said, in a low voice to make sure Zayn didn't hear anything. Harry didn't say anything making Louis resort to something else.

Louis trailed his hand under Harry's shirt. Harry shivered involuntarily. He put his hand over Louis', trying to make him stop.

"L-Louis," He said out of breath, "stop."

Louis didn't listen to him as he trailed up further making Harry gasp out loud.

"What the hell was that?" Zayn asked.

"N-nothing," Harry said, Louis still feeling every bit of Harry. Zayn nodded.

Louis, on the other hand, was having a lot of fun. He couldn't believe the way Harry was reacting. It was amusing and Louis couldn't help but to feel slightly mischievous.

"I love the way you react," Louis whispered, his voice raspy.

"S-stop. Please Louis," Harry said, trying to pull Louis' hand under his shirt.

"Do you really want me to?" Louis asked.

"Yeah," Harry replied feeling breathless.

"What about now?" Louis asked, his hand trailing up Harry's thigh. Harry let out a small moan that only Louis heard. Louis only smirked when he found out Harry had a full on raging boner.

"Okay we're here guys," Zayn said. Louis removed his hand from Harry's body and walked out the car, leaving Harry sitting there dumbfounded.

Harry wanted to scream. He hated Louis more than anything but he especially hated the way Louis made him feel. Louis wasn't supposed to make him feel like that especially since he was a guy. Harry practically threw up thinking about it. He felt disgusting.

Harry got out of the car and walked into the party. Fuck Louis. Harry wouldn't let Louis get to him anymore.

He walked to where the drinks where and grabbed himself a red cup. He drowned it down in one go, wanting to get loose.

A few minutes later, Harry was grinding on some girl that he met only a few seconds ago. He didn't know her name, not that he cared. All he knew was that she was hot and he needed to get laid.

Harry wrapped his arms around her waist as she grinded into him. He kissed her roughly, their actions soon turning into a heavy make out session.

"There's a bedroom upstairs," She whispered.

Harry led her upstairs, locking the door behind him as he joined her on the bed.

And as he woke up the next morning, his clothes strewn all over the place and a random girl sleeping beside him naked, he forgot all about what happened. But most of all, he forgot about Louis.


A/N: Thank you soo much for 700+ reads! I'm so happy I love you all so much. Don't forget to comment, vote, and share this with your friends. It would mean sooo much :)

10 votes and 5 comments till next update (I know you guys probably hate that but you do what you gotta do haha)

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